Hello, max gives me headaches atm.
I want to make an ammo. belt from this box(picture) to the gun(not in picture), but this is not easy. I tried it with the spacing tool and a spline,
but whenever I want to change something on the spline, it does not affect the chain links and I need to delete them and redo everything to see the change.
Is there a better way to do this, maybe something that lets you work on a chain in realtime ? Or is it better to do it completely manual?
If I remember correctly it works like the Sweep modifier but you can use custom shapes.
But for this I cant use it because I have chain links.
I've done it now with IKspline.
Personally I like to pathdeform an instance of my object so I can still work on a copy of it while its flat and the instance that is deformed will be updated.
But the rest of the solution is I have used myself a few times.
One extra step you might want to do so you can get everything in and out of a root pose (cloth sims and physics don't always return to a default root pose) is to skin the ammo belt to another separate set of dummies and then snap, align and key the ammo belt to the cloth sim (preferably using Jim Jagger's Animated align script). That way you can capture the cloth sim easily using the script and hand animate the ammo belt when needed, to fix the cloth sim if it fubars or to get it back in a root pose.
Also you don't need to use cloth to get secondary motion, there are other modifiers that might work better like flex, or maybe a spring controller on a bone. Those are fast ways to get secondary motion that actually will return to the default pose, without having to worry about it being twisted up or colliding with itself.
You can also look into jiggle bones or spring controllers that might be available in the engine, UDK Source and I think even Unity have some basic physical controls for bones and meshes.