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Rock Monster

I started this character as a google hangout sketch. I've decided to turn it into a game character. I've done some re-topology on it and built a rig using a digital tutors tutorial, to test out the topology. I wanted to know if it would be better to harden all the hard edges this character has before I paint weights or after?

If anything pops out at you that looks wrong let me know, always looking for C&C

Zbrush grab:

Topo grab:

Rig grab:


  • makecg
  • user38
    How do I keep my hard edges that I set up in maya when I bring it back into zbrush for higher frequency details?
  • Darkleopard
    Try using the crease tool located in edit mesh i believe.

    It should keep those edges hard in zbrush when u subdivide

    Edit: To be more specific, select the edges u want hard, click the crease tool then hold middle mouse and drag to increase the crease. Let go and its done
  • user38
    Try using the crease tool located in edit mesh i believe.

    It should keep those edges hard in zbrush when u subdivide

    Edit: To be more specific, select the edges u want hard, click the crease tool then hold middle mouse and drag to increase the crease. Let go and its done

    FUUU, i selected each edge and hardened them via the normals drop down, lets try this again

    edit: thanks by the way.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    reminds me of Rock Lords.
  • user38
    Small update, having some map issues shouldn't be a big problem to fix. I'm think I'm going to adjust the detailing too, it looks a bit off.


  • Wombatinahat
    Nice work so far. Although you might want to try adding some variance between the height and jaggedness of the rocks. At the moment he looks more like a cobblestoned monster than a dude made entirely out of rock.
  • BertR
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    BertR polycounter lvl 7
    Looks nice! You might want to make its feet bigger, since they are pretty small compared to the rest of his massive body. I think it's pretty hard for him to keep balance / stay right up now.
  • Vulgertarian
    I love this concept. A rocklords refit! :)
  • Polygoblin
    Offline / Send Message
    Polygoblin polycounter
    The bake came out well! I agree w what Wombatinahat said, and I'd also say that the symmetry is really strong right now. I think some kind of cloth sash or some kind of prop/accessory would break that symmetry up a bit.
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    I think you should completely start over, because you are a horrible person. :p
  • user38
    Thanks for the replies, @polygoblin you're totally right I do need to break it up, I'll probably end up adding some props like you've suggested.

    @Donavonyoung, I've though about it several times, sorry I missed the hangout tonight didn't notice until after the party was over.

    Here are my updates:

    Changed the crack details, moved the arms out for a better map, had to adjust AO settings a bit because I was getting a lot of bounce back between the fingers resulting in really messy maps, still have to clean that up in this version. I also painted a diffuse maps with spotlight in zbrush. I'll be making more tweaks to the diffuse in photoshop tomorrow just to break it up a bit.




  • Polygoblin
    Offline / Send Message
    Polygoblin polycounter
    Looks like a good texture start so far! Everything is pretty monotoned atm though, so you might want to bring in some earthy colors (moss, sprouts, algae, etc) and possibly even change the hue or shade of the head since it doesn't separate from the body well right now. (an idea) Perhaps you could do both and make a mossy mange around the head and neck area? Any change in value would really make his head pop out

    Keep rocking. I'll be hanging out tonight if you want to meet up
  • user38
    Another quick update, still more to come but I must thank the google+ hangout crew for helping me along the way. They've offered a lot of help to me.


  • Donavonyoung
    Offline / Send Message
    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    Def looking better.
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Looks like your normal map's green channel is flipped.
  • user38
    Thanks swizzle It looked like something might be up in some of my quater view renders but didn't know what was going on, I flipped the Y/Green channel in marmoset and it seems a bit better. Thanks again!
  • konstruct
    Offline / Send Message
    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    you should certainly play with tinting him various tint/hue/values across his entire form. Think how the pyro in TF2 has a darkened lower body.

    Maybe his lower half is all dirty and muddy. Maybe he has moss growing on him and its concentrated on his arms for some reason. The intent is to make some sort of focal point to drive interest.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Looking good, mate!

    Regarding the normal map...If you baked with the defaults in xNormal, then it should match Marmoset without the need to flip the green. Can you post a pic with only the normal map applied please?
  • user38
    Fist off a big thanks to everyone who has been helping me out in the Google+ hang outs. There are so many of you but the ones that come to mind fist are Ben/polygoblin Andy/metalliandy, Donavon Young, Darren Horrocks, Steve Warnke, etc the list goes on.

    Thanks for all the help and tips, Here only for now I'm calling him done but will come back to it with in a few weeks, I have a lot of things about mapping that I need to focus on mostly because I don't fully understand it yet.

    Below I'm posting what I'll called "Finished" but only for now, I'll add more polish in a few weeks. I'm also posting the normals as well. When I baked out of xNormal I'm pretty sure I checked object space, so I've included Y inversions with both object space selected and deselected.

    "Finished" :



    Object Space selected Y NOT inverted.

    Object Space selected Y inverted.

    Object Space NOT selected Y NOT inverted.

    Object Space NOT selected Y inverted.

    I wish I added some asymmetry to the model, and broken up the textures a bit. I wanted to try to put what looked like moss growing on him but and more dirt at the bottom of the legs like suggested above but I didn't pull it off very well. I'm still learning. Again thanks for all the help everyone.
  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    this guy is totally bad ass; great job! I also love (and sorta hate) that he has the body proportions of starscream from the Bay movies...It's wierd, I like how he looks, and also hate it at the same time...so that's how I feel about your lil dude too :P
  • makecg
    Like the silhouette of it looks good to me !
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