Hello Polycount! Perhaps some of you have seen me around in the past, sometimes commenting, but a lot of the time just watching. I never really shared a lot of my work back then, I always wanted to obtain a certain level of "perfection" before I submitted myself for criticism. However, as time progressed I realized that art is always a work in progress, and I'm only limiting myself by not sharing that progress with other artists when given the opportunity.
Recently, I've started myself on some medication to better control my focus in all aspects of my life, and I think it's really bolstered my ability to progress as an artist as well as academically. I started posting all my one time pieces on 4chan's 3DCG board as I hopped back on the saddle, and of course to no one's surprised I was ridiculed a fair bit

. And I felt if I was willing to be ridiculed, I might as well be ridiculed by people that could run laps around me any day :poly135:. I'm thinking it's finally time to put myself out there, whether I'm perceived as a poor, forgettable, or meh, artist. I really want to push and progress my abilities, perhaps to industry material, although I'm not sure that's the route I want to go in immediately in my life.
However, I do love working with game engines, dissecting mods, and studying the flavor of skills involved in producing environment and character art in all forms of video games. I've never stopped being inspired every time I come to polycount and seeing not only all the great work, but also all the talented and helpful people. So I'm ready to make the
commitment that is required to start a successful journal such as this.
Basically, I feel I've grown more in the past week as an artist than I ever have before, because I'm much more willing to put my name on my work and I want to allow myself to be fueled by that need for betterment.
For those tl;dr's here's an end-quote by Vig:
"I'll close with, "If you made art half as well as you bitch, we would all be rich." :thumbup:
Whew, that was long winded, I'm quite anxious with writing this! But now it's time for some art, and pictures, and hopefully crits!
See Latest Update Post For Pics
Journal Update 2: Big Update! Been pretty busy lately, I put pause on sculpting to take an in-depth look at working with environments. I've been playing around with NDO and CGTextures to see what creating a modular environment would be like. I didn't take working with power of 2 sizes or lightmaps into consideration because it was originally for the CryEngine; so even for a concept it's pretty bad imho. That and I made everything from one square tiled texture... I'm planning to do a much better environment after viewing Minos's foray into the subject. In addition, I hope the adventure to be insightful on proper vertex coloring skills, so I've dabbed into that a little as well. But to travel the less beaten trail, I'm going to work with an abandoned Victorian mansion feel. Should be quite a learning experience. I loved this picture a lot so it's the reference I'm going to work from for the major assests, of course there's lots of more planning to do. It's always fun to figure out how much more modular you can get your textures.
Journal Update 1: Currently I'm studying sculpting, I'm starting with the head and hoping to move to the torso in a few days. I've been absorbing anatomy lately as well as studying such things as planes of the face, other artists and their pieces, human ref, Loomis, Vilppu, and any other pdf's I can get my hands on. And of course youtube speedies as well. I've found traditional resources to be instrumental in foundational understanding, as well as regarding other artist's workflows. I'm also hoping to get into gestural work soon, should be fun!







Thanks for the reply
I'm anxious to get started as well, hopefully I can get to it today; couldn't retrieve the files yesterday.
I thought I should only bump with some work, so I tried my hand at a small modular highpoly underwater scene yesterday.
Journal Update 2: Big Update! Been pretty busy lately, I put pause on sculpting to take an in-depth look at working with environments. I've been playing around with NDO and CGTextures to see what creating a modular environment would be like. I didn't take working with power of 2 sizes or lightmaps into consideration because it was originally for the CryEngine; so even for a concept it's pretty bad imho. That and I made everything from one square tiled texture... I'm planning to do a much better environment after viewing Minos's foray into the subject. In addition, I hope the adventure to be insightful on proper vertex coloring skills, so I've dabbed into that a little as well. But to travel the less beaten trail, I'm going to work with an abandoned Victorian mansion feel. Should be quite a learning experience. I loved this picture a lot so it's the reference I'm going to work from for the major assests, of course there's lots of more planning to do. It's always fun to figure out how much more modular you can get your textures.