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Fiat 126

polycounter lvl 7
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joeriv polycounter lvl 7
So I decided to take the leap and post a topic on this one, still a bit fearfull to post here instead of the sketchbook secion, but well, feedback is more important :p

Small intro on this project:

Assignment to make a highpoly car, do the materials and integrate it into an existing picture.
I don't know what the general census is here on polycount on non realtime work, so let me know if it would be a problem.

So far I'm still in the modelling process, so don't mind the materials, they are just something to not have a completely grey render. (except for the tire)

The end goal is to make a rally version out of it.

Unsmoothed Wires:

2 renders, problem with these that I didn't take the time to set up a proper environment to reflect, so the reflections are a bit weird.

The second one was a quick test to get a feeling for the picture I wanted to use, if it would work or not, so the lighting etc isn't exactly matching :p


And a less crappy, but a bit outdated:

And to close it off (if you are still reading :) ), started some material work on the Rubber of the tyres.
Someone pointed out to me that the goodyear text is pointing the wrong way ,but tomorrow I'm probably gonna put in some extra effort and actually put in a sidewall texture/text that is more fitting for a rally tire.


And sorry for the renders being a bit all over the place :p
I should probably make some sort of temporary scene to make test renders so they are more coherent.


  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    wow that looks insane nice keep posting!
  • theslingshot
    That shot in the woods look awesome ^^
  • benc
    I have a bit of a soft spot for these, lovely little car!
    If i was being picky though... ;)
    - You are missing the little air intakes above the rear wheels
    - You are missing the rain gutters (or is that a design choice?)
    - The windows have extra sub divisions that they may not need (not sure that matters if your only doing renders?)

    Looks good though :)
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comments.

    And yes you are absolutely right, those are still missing.
    I have this bad habit of postponing certain parts that are giving me some trouble.
    (in this case those 2, the seats and the brake calliper).

    Since I guess with "raingutter" you mean that sort of part that runs above the windows.
    Altough I don't really feel like it's an addition to the model, because of the type of graphics I'm gonna put on it, I'll need that (since one of the graphics will end there).

    Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and finish them soon :p

    The extra subdivisions are from making the windows out of the body shape, and as you say since its just for renders I'm not bothering taking them out, since it would probably mean tweaking the windows again to make them match up.
  • benc
    I do the same, always leave the anoying bits until last ;)
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Okay did some material work.

    Personal thoughts:
    Aside from the obvious stuff (some uv issues, parts not finished/not done/no materials) there is still something "off" about the whole thing.

    But for example, the hood is an obvious mess, and I know what is kinda going wrong there, but on other parts of the car some things just don't look right, so I guess somewhere this week it's back to, fiddle with stuff and see if it turns out better or worse :p

    If anyone would want to give feedback, don't be afraid to be to harsh, I'd rather have the honest answer and learn and improve instead of not learning anything in favor of my ego so to say.

  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    A little bit of progress again.

    Tried putting it into the image I had in mind (just a quick test again, so it might feel weird because of the sharpness of the car versus the photo, the ligthing not being correct, etc.

    Looking at it now, I'm gonna change the image, since I feel like the combination of the car and the colours of the image isn't really working out.

    And one thing I realized so far, aside from just getting better at 3d, I really need to speed up my "workflow" for this kind of thing.

    So unless people think that the dirt is completely bad I'm gonna tone down the first dirt layer (it's a bit to strong/messy still), fix the glaring issues, and move forward to finish the rest of the stuff, so in the worst case, everything is atleast finished.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Small update.

    Started doing the materials on some small stuff, and tweaked the dirt a bit.
    Starting to be more happy with the balance of dirt,added some cleaner spots where water splashed to break it up a bit, but I still have some spots where it completely kills the reflections.
    So I'm still pondering about that.

  • Tom Pritchard
    Your wheels and tires are far too clean compared to the bodywork, muddy-them-up a bit :)
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Had a little bit of time, dirty'ed up the wheels a bit in meanwhile.

    Probably gonna spend another day on it tomorrow when I get home, finish the lights, and some small pieces.

    And then try to finish the interior, so that I have enough time to actually render out to final one, play with the lighting, etc.

    Gonna be happy when this is one, this whole tweak->render->tweak->render->tweak->render way of working for this kind of 3d work is annoying.

  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    Looking nice but I would like to see it inside a small environment rather than on image which looks bad and doesn't fit with so cool looking car :D.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comment.

    And ye there isn't to much I can do about it (except for choosing another image, posted this one, because I hadn't posted this one yet).
    Since we have to do it, one of the points they will grade, being able to composite a 3d model into a real life photograph.
  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    If you have to use an image I would do more analysis on the lighting so it matches up with the lighting on your car. The car model itself is really nice and a little more graft on the lighting and connection to the image would really make this thing stand out.

    Alternatively if you don't have time for a full environment why not try to produce a quick stand for it on a solid or fog gradient background?
  • nicafornica
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    nicafornica polycounter lvl 7
    in the last image, the car is too big. Also to sell the realism I would add some motion blur. Make the lighting a bit less yellow. But make the car smaller. Looks nice, looking nice indeed.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback guys.


    I'll definatly work on that, lighting is a bit of weak point for me, so when the car itself is finished I'll work on that a bit more.

    And I will probably end up doing something like what you mentioned as a render for myself, since I am not completely into this whole realism/photo background thing. (and as others have mentioned, its doing more harm then good in this case).

    But well, it's the last assigment for this year, after this it's all realtime stuff, so just gotta stick with it for now, and do what they ask :p


    I wanted to find a balance between it being a small car, and not having the car to small in the image.
    But it seems like I went a bit to far on the last part :p

    But since it's obviously a rather small car, so I'll have a look at sizing it down a bit again.
  • FractaL
    Holy crap man, at first glance that last render looked real, then I noticed the disproportionate size and the untextured fog lights hahaha.

    Good job man, keep up the work.
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    in the last pic the light is too harsh...if you notice the shade of the trees on the road its very soft due to the overcast sky. adjust the size of the car, the lighting, and make it tilt a little because of the turning and its gonna be sweet. keep it up!
  • frostraver
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    frostraver polycounter lvl 9
    one of the better works I've seen for this exam :) nice work!
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Okay quick, and the last update.

    Deadline was due today.
    Just a quick note, we had to make a sort of vintage photograph out of it.

    Feel free to critique it, but I won't be touching this piece for a while, now that the first year is almost over it's time for personal work (and thus realtime stuff, the reason that I joined polycount).
    So unless later I feel like doing something more with this, I'm gonna call it done for now.


  • mr gelmir
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    mr gelmir polycounter lvl 10
    Looks really nice. I only can't shake the feeling that the car is going to crash. At that point of the turn his tail should be way more outside if he was going at the speed the dirt-clouds suggest. I totally love it!
  • Quickel
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    Quickel polycounter lvl 12
    Wow, this really turned out great! I like the way your dirt maps on the windows look. The vintage one looks cool too. The only thing on the last image is getting more of the white powdery dust on the wheels and up the side of the car would help sell it.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    This turned out really nice! A few things, I think you should lighten the mud/dirt to better match the dry/sandy look of the scene, the shadow under the car could be lightened a little, and the brake rotor is a strange gold material, instead of the smooth, gold metal rotor you normally see.

    Otherwise I think the actual model looks awesome, and so does the texturing, the dirt pops off nicely. I also think the lighting on the car is pretty good, although it could use a bit more shadows across it as it is looking a little flat.
  • nicafornica
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    nicafornica polycounter lvl 7
    nice, very nice. good touch.
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    very nice! if the vintage one was more blurry and grainy it could be mistaken for a photo. good job!
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