I need a model/map designer.
I'm the director of a video game project, and I have almost every factor I need to begin development. I have a writer (me), and a programmer with 20 years of experience and his own OpenCL engine. Profits will be divided evenly, or if you wish, you will receive 700 dollars flat for completion of your work, plus a slightly reduced cut. This doesn't fit the definition of "Immediate payment", so I chose to post this listing on this board.
All funds will be attained through Kickstarter.
Your work description: Design all 3d models, maps, and structures required. A small amount of preliminary design will be required as to make a demo of the engine's capabilities, or possibly a game preview.
The game will be a psychological thriller/survival horror, with a few fresh elements to spice up gameplay, and an immersive storyline.
Now, I can't really reveal every detail about the storyline in such a public place, but I can go into detail about my programmer's engine.
Simply put, nothing like it exists currently. Literally.
This engine has the ability to render an entire map with raytracing/photon mapping, implement accurate physics AND utilize highres textures, all while keeping a decent framerate on a midrange PC. How? Optimization.
This engine has the ability to use much more of a computer's potential than any existing engine. The biggest example: it can utilize up to 64 CPU cores.
There is no engine majorly utilizing OpenCL that exists to date. And, being his partner, if this game came to spawn a company, we would have exclusive rights to it.
If you are interested, please PM me with contact information. Skype is preferred.
What is OpenCL, and what are it's capabilities? -
Demonstrations -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1sN1ELJfNo - OpenCL Nvidia N-body simulation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E67jVgcBZS0 - OpenCL Flocking Demo