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Here there, very new to the whole 3D modelling thing. I thought I'd start out just playing around editing armors in Skyrim, and had a quick question.

I'm converting an armor from one body type to another, and so of course the armor doesn't fit. Is there a tool that I can use to wrap the armor around the body? Preferably something that I can choose how tight it is wrapped, as I don't want every little indent showing up.

This is all for 3DS Max btw.

Heres some pics of what I mean:


Thanks for your time,


  • Tidus
    I think you can do something like the push modifier with a base object in the newest 3ds Max, but I haven't used any of new software for years. I would do this making a new topology over your body model, with TopoGun. After importing your new mesh to the scene, give it a shell modifier.
  • Epsil
    I'm using 2012 so the push modifier won't work sadly, but thanks for the tip.

    And I don't think Topogun would do what I want, because I don't want to have the armor cling to every part of her body, like the underside of her breasts.

    Thanks for trying though!
  • Silix
    in 3ds max 2012 the conform brush was introduced

    graphite modeling tools -> freeform -> polydraw -> conform

    it allows you to paint a mesh onto another mesh conforming one to another

    look it up in 3ds max's help and it will tell you how to use it
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