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Portfolio Project

Hello Polycount! So this is my first time posting on this site, so please be kind. I am a student studying Video Game Design and am currently in my last semester. We have 15 weeks to complete our project of putting our Portfolio together.

My idea for my main scene is to have an old-looking General Store (complete with interior, telephone pole, fire hydrant, terrain, sidewalk, bench, and any other object that seems fitting). If I have the time, I would like to model a demon, and something similar to the creep from Starcraft covering the ground. So far I have the basic modeling for the General Store, and a bench. This is all from the previous week.

By sneakycastro at 2012-05-16

The references that I'm sort of basing the store off of are these two:

By sneakycastro at 2012-05-16

By sneakycastro at 2012-05-16

By sneakycastro at 2012-05-16

Bench reference:

By sneakycastro at 2012-05-16


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