Hi everyone, how are you?
My name is Victor Hugo and I've been a 3D artist for the last 6 years, but since october I've been studying and working with modeling and textures, trying to specialize as a modeler/texture artist.
And this was my first project. I'm a huge fan of Tron Legacy, so I decided to make my own version of Sam's poster.
Hope you enjoy. Cheers.

And I totally agree with you, as I was too excited to finish it, I haven't payed attention to this details and I asked a friend of mine who is a rigger to make a decent rig for me and I'm waiting for this, to fix some of this silhouette stuff.
And the folds are a great idea too! I liked that, if this friend send me the new rig I will fix this and make a new pose.(It's been about couple of months since he got the model, but I have hope).
I have some new stuff and I will post them in another thread later.
And I have this shot from zbrush, but the hair was not the final one.
Thanks again Riot.
Hi Amile, thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm glad you liked it.
This character was good to learn a lot from zbrush, because I've never used it before. I will try to improve it, but I'm really paying more attention to this kind of thing now.
Really, at the beginning of this project I wanted to throw my pc out of the window because ZBrush was like an alien!
I did it this way:
1 - I applied the hair/fur in max using polygon select as base and a line to draw each amount of hair.
2 - Then I transformed it to geometry(like 10 little polygon bases or less of hair).
3 - As geometry I selected the top borders and then I scaled it in local.
That was pretty much it. I have to adjust some scale or individual hair, but nothing more.
=O) Cheers.
than "sam".
Almighty_gir, hahahaahha yeah he looks like this guy! I made a mistake with this likeness, I´ve used much Tron reference and none of the real world, so talking to other people, they said that might be that because light is deceiving in cases like this.
And I really knew that for a first likeness, I couldn´t reach a great result, so from the start I thought of making more like a toy look than the real one.
Thanks guys and as soon as I can I will post other stuff.