Hey guys,
I'm a student from Germany and I'm currently working on a P-51D Mustang for a small cinematic scene. (I hope it's ok that the model isn't destined for a game - I urgently need a bit feedback ^.^ I don't know if it's good what I am doing there

I am new in using Maya, so it's a lot of try and error for me while modeling my first complex model. Any advice is welcome

Here are a few screenshots of my work:

What do you think of it?

Thank you for your advices and comments!

What do you think? Any advise or critic?
Come on guys,...pls let me know what you think of it!
You can see how I aligned the 3 view drawings. I can make the objects im modeling slightly transparent to see through them and align it with the 3 view drawings. You can get these 3 view drawings from online. Here is a good source.
This looks like a good set for the P-51.
Sorry the web page is in Russian, but its easy to navigate for the most part.
Also, here is a tutorial I made on how to make wings very easy. This shows you the process I use with the 3 views VERY well.
Here is another tutorial on how I model props. I think this can also help you.
I hope this helps! I think you show a lot of promis on this and I hope you contenue to sharpen your skills!
Hm...im using a 3 view imageplane and my model fits very well to it i think:
Thank you for the link and the tutorials! There are some techniques that might help me in future projects. For the wings I didn't had a wing profile like in your video or on the new blueprints.
Do you have any advice for the cockpit for me? I can't find good pictures of it which makes it very hard for me to imagine how it looks like.
What do you mean with "promis"? I'm very sorry, I'm german and not as good as I want to in english.
And a last question: Do you model all these planes for fun or is that for your job?
Here are some resources for good references for at least the external model.
As for the cockpit, thats really a difficult thing to do. The best resource I think would be to find a pilots manual.
That should get you started.
wuhey, thank you very very much for these HD pictures!
I found this manual 2 weeks ago, too, but thank you
So now I will go on with detailing the model in parts which you can see in die animation later..I'll keep you updated.
Thanks for your answers!