I feel like this is such a small question that it doesn't really deserve it's own thread, but I find myself in this situation all the time and it seems like it should have a simple fix.
I use those snapping buttons at the top of the image a lot. I realize it's not necessary to have shells precisely on top, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like that.
So what I have here is a barrel. I've divided it into 4 shells and right now I'm stacking them ontop of each other. The way I would usually do it is line them up best I can, hold V and snap them to one another.
The other way is to use those 4 buttons. The only problem is on a curved object, their not too useful because you would have to snap vertically and horizontally but you cant really grab a huge row at a time and do that (because you need to keep the curve).
So I was wondering if there's a button hiding somewhere that allows me to either
a.) put uv shells ontop of each other that are all the same, and automatically snap their points (without dividing the object into pieces and using Trans. Attr.)
or b.) drag over two points, click a button, and they'd travel as far southwest as the most southernwest point (and then I could use G to repeat the action)
I tried writing a script that uses those snapping tools in the picture at the same time, but it didn't work because I suck at scripting lol
So if anyone knows of anything, let me know
I actually use UV Ninja, but thats costs a few bucks (Worth every penny in my opinion)