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Udk or cryengine

polycounter lvl 13
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nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
Just was wondering I have been using udk past few weeks studying it and everything. Is scripting easier in cryengine then udk. Is it worth learning cryengine? I love the games made with both engine which do you prefer to work in?

I would also like to know how cry engine is as far as set up for a scene things like that thanks in advance

think about making a game eventually


  • Ben Apuna
    If you're going to be making your own game (not just a level or scene for your portfolio) then your programming background might make a difference in which engine you can get up and running with the fastest.

    I haven't used CryEngine at all, other than installing it and poking around a bit. Scripting in CryEngine is done with Lua which from what I understand is a bit different from other "C family" programming languages. In my opinion the big advantage of CryEngine is not having to deal with baking light maps for art assets.

    UDK on the other hand has a visual scripting system called Kismet which is very approachable for a beginner. It also has code based scripting which is done with UnrealScript which is similar to Java/C# in syntax, but I guess you know this already. Some things I didn't like about UDK were dealing with mirrored normal maps (forget about synched normal maps...) and making good efficient lightmap UVs for everything. Building lighting can be a time sink too. The art asset pipeline is fairly solid though, Max, Maya, even Modo, and I think Blender can get assets to UDK.

    If you're serious about making your own game especially if it's not a FPS I would highly suggest looking into Unity. You'll spend much less time "fighting the engine" and much more time actually making your gameplay better. The asset pipeline is very smooth. Scripting in Unity can be done with C#, UnityScript (very similar to JavaScript), and Boo (similar to Python). There are also numerous visual scripting plugins, though they might not be free. The only drawback is if you want any of the Pro features then you'll need to buy a license for $1500.
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    thanks 1500 is a bit steep at the moment. I essentially wanted to make a game doesn't necessarily need to be a fps. Maybe a simple puzzle game or something small to start out just to try out. I have learned about kismet and love how easy it is with plugging in nodes to make triggers open and close, etc. Visually cryengine looked impressive. I haven't learned unreal script yet I was contemplating purchasing the eat 3d dvds. I will look into the free version of unity and see what I can figure out I guess. I would love to build my won sort pc game or mobile game though eventually. I have some good ideas. Still need to learn how to animate in 3ds max and rigging. Thanks for your input.
  • Gestalt
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    Gestalt polycounter lvl 11
    If you're going to learn unreal script then you shouldn't worry about having to 'fight the engine' to make something other than an fps; just don't use UT and fps specific classes, write your own like you would in most engines anyway. You'll only be 'fighting' the script if you choose to work from classes which don't describe the game you're trying to make.
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    thanks. I will take a look into scripting and building my own custom classes.
  • encore
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    encore polycounter lvl 5
    The one thing that I don't like about CE3 SDK, if your internet access or their database servers is down, you're f*cked!
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    There's no colossal difference between the two really, except for the DRM and the sales licensing. UDK wins on the latter two points. I prefer CE3s landscaping tools, as they're more developed, but that's not a big enough difference to stop me using UDK.
  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    I find UDK is easier to learn but Cry has a bit more kit.
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    thanks for all the input. I'm gonna try to do a future enviro project in cry engine and see how it comes out:)
  • jimmypopali
    http://www.3dmotive.com/ has some AWESOME DVDs you can buy for learning all sorts of stuff for Unity and UDK.

    Eat3D also has a huge list of DVDs you can buy Here that includes stuff like Cryengine (which is a massive introduction series to the editor plus a huge introduction to the material setups), ZBrush and even the scripting in UDK.

    Good places to start if you want to get the quality training for a cheap price.
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    *insert biased view here* CryEngine!
  • walreu
    Well the answer is really easy: Learn all of them. Well at least the basics.
    That is the only way you can start comparing them anyway.
    Most important things to compare in my opinion are: scripting, asset importing/setup and exporting.

    I would recommend Unity too. It doesn't have the pretty graphics out-of-the-box, but in my opinion it wins on being easy as hell to learn. There arent millions of buttons around the UI and i learned scripting gameplay mechanics to it in couple of months. They have awesome script reference site.
  • scotthomer
    ^ im with Rich, Cryengine is amazing. Literally incredible. I love it.

    Im not biased at all, but id take Cryengine on a date. Id let it have the lobster too.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    CryEngine 3 is my favorite game tool. :)
    UDK is easier to learn and has much more documentation, but what I like mostly from CryEngine, it is the fact that it is all real-time, so I can focus more on creating assets than waiting for baking and having technical issues. I've been using Unity for my final university projet and I personally didn't like to use it.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    They're both the same honestly, EXACTLY the same.

    The only difference is that CE3 is more 'easier' to get it started right off the bat, while UDK requires more grease work but has more 'behind' the scenes control right off the bat.

    But both suffer the same issues, which is both are geared towards a FPS crowd, so if you're looking to get a different type of games started, I wish you the best for CE3, while for UDK, I recommend you looking in the U forums for 'kit' which some kind soul uploaded for your needs.

    If you're looking for an engine which is more flexible, but doesn't have the UBER graphical powress of this programs, then I suggest C4Engine, Unity, etc.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Neither engine is geard towards anything. As we are talking about coding I'm going to point main diffrences:
    1. With UDK you code gamplay code with UnrealScript. It's powerfull tool, yet limited in some cases. CE3 you code gamplay in C++ (*see how everyone running away). You can do pretty much everything. Use custom libraries, custom servers, and integrate everything that do not need direct modification of engine code. Also there is CryMono for CE3 (yet unstable version), that is somewhat wrapper around GameDLL (gamplay code DLL). Which allows you for realtime scripting and coding without restarting, recompling anything.
    2. As for starting. In UDK you have some starting kits. Which may prove easier. And if you don't need them, you just don't use classes with UT* which are FPS specific.
    In CE3 it's much bigger PITA. GameDLL code is simply mess. No comments, meangless methods and variables names. And most of it's base is based around FPS. If you really want something new you need to throw it out of window and write your own code from scratch. Which would be cool, if we have at least basic explanation what is needed to run basic game.

    Other than that I prefer CE3. It's so much faster to work with with this annoying "Lighting needs to be rebuild", "AI needs to be rebuild", "other things need to be rebuild" things.
  • dr jekyll
    When I consider the added value Nvidia and Autodesk give that are pretty exciting it is hard not to want to go with UDK.

    If project Skyline was released tommorow with a node for UDK ready to go with HIK nodal toolset and a treasure chest of python commands to wrangle unreal from Maya or Max I would say the choice was now impossibly UDK favored.

    It is just so frustrating to witness Unreal uglify my favorite games and not want to run to the Cryengine camp. But I will reserve final judgement till unrealengine 4 is gold.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    As Lead Computron of Polycount, with over 25 years of experience with UE3, I can proudly say, the best engine is Gamebryo.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Computron wrote: »
    As Lead Computron of Polycount, with over 25 years of experience with UE3, I can proudly say, the best engine is Gamebryo.

    Gamebryo had incredible documentation! A programmer with very little C++ experience could easily setup visual studio and understand and implement the inner workings of Gamebryo confidently! ( don't test me cause it's been years ).
    Plus the community was private so there was a lot less silly noise in it's threads and loads of experienced help. Never tried LightSpeed but I am willing to bet if Gamebryo would only have had the vision to see the value in a free version it would not die the slow death it is currently in the throes of?

    although no games seem to leverage as much... gamebryo easily supported multiple dynamic lights as well as vsm and pcf shadows that were far superior to what unreal had in the editors default configuration at the time. I could usually count on an Alpha sorting solution even if that did take some trial and error depending on conditions:
    Unlike Unreal at the time...
    sure was nice to control texture compression output along with multiple AA options.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Computron wrote: »
    As Lead Computron of Polycount, with over 25 years of experience with UE3, I can proudly say, the best engine is Gamebryo.

    I spat my tea out. good one man! :poly142:
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I don't know which Gamebryo these guys touched, but when I worked with it about six years ago, the 'editor' was practically non-existant. We built everything in Max with custom export scripts and did more than you should programmatically. There was also no documentation available at all, except for a few half-arsed demo applications D:
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    I think the best thing is to learn both engines and coding and see which one I'm more comfortable with. I believe unity was more blender friendly not sure. The frostbite engine is that available or is it private? I see alot of cool games with that engine as well. I have done coding from scratch before but that was when I used to make websites I know its a whole different ballpark. I think it would ideal to make a simple mobile game for the time being something fun and addictive and go from there. I would love to make a pc game. My problem is I do too much for my own good. I am trying to become more disciplined in that sense. I have decide to buy the eat 3d dvds at it is one of the best resources. i had bought a gnomon dvd on udk which was alot more in depth the eat 3d intro to udk as well. I have them both. I think gnomon one explains things alot better, however eat 3d dvd builds an actual level with existing game assets from the content browser.

    I am familiar with classes learning a little jquery helped with that. I have never even looked much into c++. I am just wondering because I never did it. Is it hard to code a game for a company like a full game like assassins creed or something along that line.
  • Pumpkin
    Is UE3 more compatible with Max and Maya?

    What about CE3? Thinking of picking one of the engines but I'm using Maya so it would be nice to hear some opinions!
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    in max you just export obj as .ase each object. In maya there is a plugin you can install thats in the unreal folder somewhere so it is very compatible with max and maya. Thing is if you have alot of smoothing group udk gives error so I just use 1 smoothing group and its good. I use max though.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    ambershee wrote: »
    I don't know which Gamebryo these guys touched, but when I worked with it about six years ago, the 'editor' was practically non-existant. We built everything in Max with custom export scripts and did more than you should programmatically. There was also no documentation available at all, except for a few half-arsed demo applications D:

    Compared to what UDN any Crytek offer? Gamebryo 3.4 docs in addition to PULSE were comprehensive!

    As much as I crave unreal to dissapear inside project skyline to the point where unreal is essentially a runtime plug in. I do not see an editor less pipeline as a bad thing. ( Lightspeed looked like it accomplished alot that project Skyline is now attempting ) Instead of re-inventing a DX panel for every project I would rather have a huge Autodesk standardised python library and nodal front end in Maya any day of the week.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Pumpkin wrote: »
    Is UE3 more compatible with Max and Maya?

    What about CE3? Thinking of picking one of the engines but I'm using Maya so it would be nice to hear some opinions!

    If skyline is ever realised it appears that Maya is getting all the attention through the efforts of Steven Roselle .
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    claydough wrote: »
    Compared to what UDN any Crytek offer?

    At that time, I couldn't even say what CryTek were offering, but the UE2 docs on the UDN were pretty comprehensive. The searcheable docs GameBryo now has weren't available (FYI this is pre-Lightspeed where everything is still called NetImmerse), and the source code wasn't even completely open - some parts of the engine were just headers to compile against.

    Things can change in 6 years, but my experience with GameBryo was really unpleasant.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    plus I had serious "red link" UDN envy to taint my experience! :poly142: But come to think of it PULSE was private as well. So I suppose they were both limiting with silly exclusivity.
  • e-freak
    Pumpkin wrote: »
    Is UE3 more compatible with Max and Maya?

    What about CE3? Thinking of picking one of the engines but I'm using Maya so it would be nice to hear some opinions!

    People tend to think that Unreal's FBX support is the golden grail for compatibility with either DCC, but tbh I don't trust FBX one bit anymore.

    No matter if you go Unreal or CE3, use the propertary fileformats (ActorX for unreal IIRC and CGF/CHR/CAF for CE3).

    Unity (as far as I know) only supports FBX which I think is a massive PITA as we had so many conversion errors with Left-Handed and Right-Handed systems, scale issues and so on.

    I know most game-artist don't seem to care that much, but having a proper metric setup is the best thing a game engine can have imho and CE3 takes the cake there.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    e-freak wrote: »
    People tend to think that Unreal's FBX support is the golden grail for compatibility with either DCC, but tbh I don't trust FBX one bit anymore.

    No matter if you go Unreal or CE3, use the propertary fileformats (ActorX for unreal IIRC and CGF/CHR/CAF for CE3).

    Unity (as far as I know) only supports FBX which I think is a massive PITA as we had so many conversion errors with Left-Handed and Right-Handed systems, scale issues and so on.

    I know most game-artist don't seem to care that much, but having a proper metric setup is the best thing a game engine can have imho and CE3 takes the cake there.

    That's a completely arbitrary thing which can vary by game. It doesn't matter at all.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    As a learning exercise have you considered doing both?

    Most of the work in making a scene is the modeling and texturing. Once you've got that done it shouldn't be too hard to port from one engine to another.
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    Yes I'm gonna definitely learn both I think my next environment project will be done in cry engine.
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