Been wondering, is it possible to make bone fallow geometry ? Let's say I have cloth simulation on piece of geometry. Now I want to make bones fallow movment of cloth while simulating, so I can later bake this geometry movment to bones.
Yep, you constrain something (anything really normally a point helper) to the surface of the cloth, then snap and key your bones to the point on the cloth. I wrote a step by step tutorial for newbies which is normally way more info than the normal person needs. But if you need it, its there.
For the bone alignment/keying I suggest checking out Jim Jaggers Animated Align script. It aligns one object to another while setting keys, making the process a little less cumbersome.
For the bone alignment/keying I suggest checking out Jim Jaggers Animated Align script. It aligns one object to another while setting keys, making the process a little less cumbersome.