Below are the current work in progress shots of my Final Year Project for my University degree, it has been handed in and the restrictions are off! and before I cut my loses I would like some feedback and critique :poly122:
Hope you enjoy!
[ame=""]Youtube Matinee Capture[/ame]
Current WIP's:

The tv does seem to stand out. Perhaps play around with the brightness/contrast or something. It could also be casting light into the room.
I do have a question to propose...
As this is a final year project for Uni it was always faced with restrictions and other factors.... should I take this project further? or cut my loses and move onto a new personal project?
"We're all pre-apocalyptic, baby. We just don't know it."
- some guy
also uh... looking pretty sweet so far! I love the off kilter purple uv light things. I would agree with the comments about the tv, but also that brain display, for me, is much too prominent. There isn't really anything to balance it and so I find that my eye keeps getting sucked back to it.
As for your question, I say finish it, not just because I personally like but because I think you'll get more out of it if you see it through to the end, even if it doesn't end up in your portfolio. Unless you're hitting like a major brick wall or something in terms of completing it, in which case then yeah, take a break from it.
you should try and either:
1) make your own animation, convert to .bik and add to the scene;
2) grab some other game cutscene, edit it and add;
3) place just a static image there, maybe with some dynamic static, just so to give the feeling the image is dynamic.
i guess one of these would fit the scene better ^^