Hello Polycount,
My Name is Tom and I am an aspiring environment artist who has just completed a three year degree in Game Art. I have assembled an online portfolio and would really appreciate some critique. You can view it
This project brief was to design a rooftop scene. Here I simply became inspired by a photo of Paris by night.

This was my final major project, completed recently and focuses on Art Nouveau architecture. Replicating people such as Antoni Gaudi and Victor Horta.

A simple vehicle prop to inhabit an environment.

A desk prop designed by Antoni Gaudi.

The fire on the fly through could use work. Right now it's bit distracting. The particles aren't convincing at all, try making them smaller and using more particles, and maybe try using two systems: one for the inner and higher flames, one for the larger lower flames. Not my specialty, but that's what I would do at least.
Some dynamic lighting from the fire would help, too. Try animating the lights. Even if you just made the intensity flicker, I think it would add a lot.
Well I had a go at creating some wire frame sheets with all the necessary information, although I am a little unsure of the composition/format. Should I have more UDK wireframe shots of different aspects of the environment?
@Anthy, Something I need to get around to! Will upload it when I update the website.
@Trnsell, Thanks, there is so much fantastic source material for this kind of environment design, beautiful stuff. I will definitely be editing the fire particles, I was in a slight rush to get it complete for a deadline, so it needs some more love!
Will update the site within the next couple of days for further comments.
instead, reusing your other texture. This is kind of bad, since that square bit of floor is kind of the centerpiece, secondary only to the doorframes. The lines on the floor are also simplified a lot and missing much detail. You're missing the florals on the ceiling. The supporting pillars are far too flimsy and thin - and are obviously intersecting the ceiling. Your railing are also not structurally sound, having many floating curves. The wall-florals would look so much nicer if they'd been a bit more reflective, like gold paint, and you also have them in just one color when the real version has light and dark curves. You also have the scale of the 'suns' wrong , and you seem to have not spotted the repeating swung-back C pattern.
Don't get me wrong. Technically it's pretty strong (though you need to work on polygon distribution), and the idea of art deco in game art is appealing too because it's just so under-appreciated. But looking at the current incarnation I'm just seeing a lot of missed potential.