Hi guys. I have a foliage heavy scene, with trees that I want to be moving slightly in wind, and I'm wondering what the smartest way to light it is.
At the moment I'm more or less just using a single DominantDirectional light for the sun and baking everything in lightmass. Most of the shadows fall on a Landscape actor. It took me a while to find a lgihtmap size that doesn't look completely shit, but my lights still take along time to bake with all the foliage in the scene and I would even say that lighting looks better before I build lightmass
So I'm thinking about lighting the whole scene dynamically, but I'm not sure if that's really better, or if I'm just missing something basic here. Does anybody have any experience lighting foliage based scenes?
e: Also, I can't get my head around Light Environments - do I need to grok this to use dynamic lights properly?
And you still get the lightmass calculated bounce lighting on the meshes