I'm not sure if aesthetic appeal is the right term, but when I'm drawing, or looking at an image, there are certain things I find very pleasing.
For instance, the sternocleidomastoid

...the serratus anterior:

The curve of a bearded dragons mouth (or any lizard, really):

The smooth pock-marked texture of this guys back

Another thing that's appealing is really good styalized drawings of hands. There are a lot of other things I just cant think of at the moment :P
Reading back on this post, I realize I sound like a weirdo, but I'm sure we all have our things, right? If there's any sort of anything like this that tickles your fancy, post it here!
No, seriously. This.
I also love feet. They're amazing. You don't really think that much of them until you start to realise that they evolved for locomotion- the way the muscles and tendons are laid out. I always thought they were kind of rigid, stompy things but I've come to realise they're supposed to be very flexible, I find them beautiful
Conversely, nothing gives me the willies more than something gone wrong with a foot.
anyway i love shoulders
By MiAlx
Isnt it godly
yeah, I agree with you already~~
But also, the nude female figure (which I didn't post, though I don't think it would break any rules)
Also, anything in nature. And, CLAVICLES. Also, the curve between the bicep and the pectoralis major when the arm is placed behind the head.
*hovers mouse over 'close thread' button*
Old/abandoned heavy machinery is as well
but yeah. machinery. the older the better.
Such perfect circles, and the boob things fit so well in them
In other news, dinosaur feet. More specifically, when the front feet are on their toes like in the picture. Such an awesome curve. Also, when the feet pull up and the toes are close together and then when they step down the toes are spread (pretty much all animals with toes do this, but I noticed it for the first time when I saw Jurassic Park :P)
A good hand painted texture always gets me exited.
TL;DR: Trypophobia is not a real phobia. Look at the official list of phobias, and this is not even on there. This is a word 4chan made up back in the day that ended up spreading to various parts of the web.
It is however a very real and natural reaction. Your discomfort (e.g. skin crawling, shivering, nausea, etc.) is an automatic reaction of the sympathetic nervous system known as horripilation. This, like goosebumps, are a legacy genetic trait that serve to protect us as a 'fight-or-flight' response to imminent threat. This sudden onset of sympathetic nervous system responses in your body are the result of a complex process in your brain that takes place when you visually analyze flawed organic texture.
And you can get rid of your skin crawling feeling. It worked for me anyway.
Quite simply, just go ahead and rub your own skin. With the full surface of your hand palms, go on and rub your arms, your neck, anywhere you feel the piloerection (goosebumps). You will notice that the eeriness is actually replaced with a satisfactory sensation of comfort, because what you're doing is you're overriding the anomalous data that your visual cortex interpreted from the flawed texture picture, with real data of the hypothetic surface when, as you rub your own skin, and find out that in fact, you do not possess such lesions.
Here's a pic but David Levy (Vyle/steambot studios)
I love this piece and pieces like this because the loosness of the sketch adds heaps of movement. I also love the way art like this allows the viewer to use their own imagination as to what each blob of colour and light is in the scene.
More polish would take away some movement imo and the viewer would be told what everything is.
Just about anything rendered in Marmoset
characters using Xoliu shader
The way the Cryengine 2 handles lighting
The Intuos 4 and the New Bamboo connect (That square design is
Almost perfectly rounded Boobs
I have obsession toward anything that dwarves me significantly ...
in games.
I also made the mistake of googling it and browsing a website about it. I need some fresh air right now.
On the topic, I like birds a lot:
And small fluffy animals of almost all kinds
EDIT: edited after reading kelli's message, thanks for the heads up.
That's a bummer. Here's some tits to cheer you up:
Yes I know, I'm horrible.
something about the way the light hits robocop's armor, and that blueish/purple hue it has. also, his gun is awesome
Especially on older and more 'reubenesque' people.
NOW we're talking serious stuff xD
Design-wise, I like it when things are simple, with some subtle details spruced around, and designs that use one strong color, like this:
(clearly, I liked mirrors edge's design, too)
Anatomically, I like the S curves such as the one that runs from the hips, over the quads and down the shins (even though it technically doesn't exist because of the knee and shin-bump), and I like small-ish torsos (including small boobs on girls) with wider hips and strong legs (though not to the degree of chun-li) because it makes them seem more stable and well footed. Good for parkour.
Edit - I should have mentioned my avatar, too... but Polycount is the only place where I don't use my (stylized) self for an avvy:
Another edit - I also really like that pose.
Rocks and mountain Vistas
And Shinkai's art, especially his sky's