Hi guys!
Here's a little thing I made, the idea for the environment evolved from a martian colonial base through making just a simple corridor to
a juxtaposition of a pretty raw and simple sci-fi room with some
The assets were modeled in Blender, some of the textures were painted in Mudbox, Ndo2 was also used quite extensively.
This is my first artwork posted here, so please be kind:)
Hope you like it.

I would incorporate more of the orange that you see in the first shots.
Also, the ceiling doesn't really follow the shape of the walls, resulting in weird shapes around the corners.
Are you done with it, or is it a WIP?
But basically it boils down to not just making random stuff, think about the bigger picture and how it all works together.
This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw the shots. The first thing that I think of when I see the last picture is that these walls are giant. Then I see the rest of objects and I get really lost.
I hope you correct the ceiling too. In the third picture it kills the composition.
I did this to get me started with sci-fi theme and test my workflow
against Blender->CE3.
It was supposed to make just as much sense as any sci-fi corridor around here.
But in the future I guess I should start with a better design and idea in the first place I agree.
I was aware of this, it didn't seem like a big issue too me,
but yeah I probably should have at least covered it.
I think I'm done with it though.
I did use it, works pretty much like charm.
Much better that the 3ds max exporter IMO.
I made this in Crysis 2 SDK, I found some particle emitter and played with it's
parameters but there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.
The texture is just a spherical gradient.
I also used a light beam such as this http://sdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDOC21/TemplBeamProc+Shader
I guess I'll do some breakdowns.:)
Ah i see.. Would you mind taking a screenshot of the settings? If it's not to much to ask
Cool stuff
All these (up) share the same 1024x2048 texture and material.
(For the screenshots I used 2 cause I wanted to have some POM
on some of the pieces, but it made some others look broken)
The ceiling and floor tiles.
The flytrap is around 300 verts.
The leaves were at first just planes,now there's 4 faces in each
but I think they could use a little more so they could look better
from some angles.
I kinda like this one I painted it mostly by hand in Mudbox.
Originally it was 400 verts per cluster, but it looked edgy so I subdivided it one time.
The rest (basil and elephant ear) are very low poly (and edgy).
The grass is a bake from Blender, painted to add more tones.
(Actually when blocking out the scene I used the grass from Crysis
and really liked it, so this was meant to be similar)
The vacuum cleaner I actually started with, I made it initially
to test Blender->Xnormal normal baking workflow.
I did found some answers and if you're interested you can find some conclusions here:
It's not too optimized though.
The tree was the most challenging part of it all.
I wanted to have a big tree with big tree shapes, rather than
small noisy leaves.
And here comes the biggest problem.CE3 doesn't support vertex normals
that could make the canopy shade properly, the Vegetation shader
works great with small leaves (Crysis 2 trees look amazing) with
bigger leaves the trees look lumpy.
I ended up using Humanskin shader
Here are some other trees I made for testing
Also there doesn't seem to be any way to achieve SSS that works with lights other than the sun and that works inside of a VisArea.
No, but seriously this looks amazing! Probably the most realistic plants I've seen so far.
1) In my opinion, although I am a bit picky, is that game developers suffers from being a bit ignorant about architecture and engineering when designing. I always get annoyed when buildings are lacking important elements, or are structurally impossible. In your case it does not happen, but something similar is going on with those heat-pumps you have placed on the walls.
Keep in mind, this is totally subjective, but from an artistic viewpoint, those boxes with fans completely ruins the integrity of you style in this case. They are simply out of place.
2) Secondly they are out of place functionally. If they are meant for air-conditioning, those boxes with the fans are placed on the outside of the building, where the fans basically are cooling a liquid circuit. On the inside of the building the same system is feeding cool air (or hot) into the interior space. So in your case they should look different: http://detectenergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/71958622_1-Pictures-of-Mini-Split-Air-Conditioner-Ductless-minisplit-AC-and-Heat-Pump-Best-Price-In-the-market1.jpg
As in the picture, the upper unit is the one you want on the inside.
However, this kind of well designed (futuristic) building would of course have integrated ventilation, so you should really only have the intake mounted inside the wall.
Sorry for being nitpicky, but I think that you have such skill that these things really should be important. That is to really think through the design.
I actually studied architecture for some time, but didn't feel it was for me.
Where did you study?
I am studying at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. www.ulpgc.es.
The reason for all those panels with screws and such, would be for them to be easily retractable. That is, that installations are drawn on racks and shelf behind the panels. If you really thought of what installations and wires are drawn you could make a more convincing concept. For example I noticed that your heatpumps are placed in the same height, where a continuos type of panel runs through the whole scheme. I would expect that line to be the duct and that there would be intakes in the corridor as well.
A "space" structure like this would probably have impulsion and extraction of air, and that would give you the logic and shape of panels and such. So if two separate systems of ducts are needed, it says alot of the design of the corridor and the building as a whole. You would need the impulsion for example to be one line of panels and maybe the extraction above or below, and the mouths of the ducts would be different. For example on big opening for the impulsion, and several small for the extraction, that should be evenly distributed in the "dirtiest" places of the building (corners, bathrooms, dead ends).
And btw!
You are using CE3 Free SDK right? How did you get the screenshots so sharp? I usually find CE3 blurry and bloomy, but yours are really clean.
Did you use e_screenshot with high resolution, or something? And what bloom settings and visarea/lighting settings are you using?
And what size of textures?
Could you share that scene just as it is? I would really love to load it into the editor and see what you have done!
This is a good example from another sci-fi thread on crydev. The screenshot have a "CE3 look" to it. Its blurry and bloomy.
If we compare to yours, it is almo a professional vray render.
And here is an example of my work, blurry and bloomy, not sharp as yours. (Of course, I can reduce r_bloommul, but that effects the bloom of the sunlight, but still the image would be somewhat blurry, like Nintendo 64 if you know what I mean)
I'm truly amazed again and kinda embarassed, cause my thought process wasn't nearly as
deep as yours.
I was thinking more like "These walls look empty, there's a lot of dirt in the room,
It could use some ventilation"
I was kinda tired with this scene, but you inspired me with this.
I think I'll work on some air circulation system.
2.I'm working with Crysis 2 SDK but didn't do anything than can't be done in Free SDK.
Here's what I did: (need DX11)
a) I made a flowgraph for sharpening with Image:FilterSharpen (Amount=2)
b) I did use some chromatic aberration Image:ChromaShift but
I doesn't work well, the lowest amount it has any effect is 0.2 but it's already too
c} I determined the final resolution, set the viewport resolution to a half of it
to make it fit on my screen, then set up the camera.
d)Changed the resolution to 2x the final, r_GetScreenShot=2
e)In photoshop downscale the image with bicubic sharper.
I used a lot of lights to fill the space, I did't change any bloom or visarea
And good luck to you, I sudied for like 4 months
Let's not talk about it.
It's a simple particle emitter with even simpler particle material.
Well done, mate. Looking forward to seeing more.
as far as building a scene, lighting and basic post process you can learn that in a week and achieve the same look i'm not sure about having the same quality of art since i don't know you're capable of but yeah..