Hey what's up guys, I'm gonna make a classic film noir detective's office as like an exercise in modelling/texturing/irony/etc. (in UDK!)
I will fill this detective's office with all the things any respectable detective would have: a hatrack with a fedora on the hatrack, a snub-nosed, various whiskey containers (or brandy, idk), a ring, blinded windows, a slowly rotating ceiling fan, an ashtray with still smoldering cig remains, uh some other stuff, and a telephone

Here's the scene in it's current minecraftesque state:

if the next post isn't a dick joke I will be sad
Here was a dame to end all dames, legs like the legs of somethin' that had really long legs and a pretty above average face. Dick Hardigan cranked up his legendary charm, What can I do for you, Sugarlips? Outside, it was dark and raining. The blinds over the windows cast long, slitted shadows over the dame's pretty good face.
You can die, Dick Hardigan!
Cause y'know, it's not everyday a dame with a face like tha Wait. Die? Also, is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?
No Dick, it was a gun. The dame had a gun! This wasn't no dame this was an assassin, but why? Dick knew he had to play it cool. He slowly stood erect behind his desk. A crash of lightnin' illuminated the scene. D.H. was able to see now that her face really wasn't all that good after all. Damn. Why couldn't he ever catch a break?
You shot my hubby dead*, Dick Hardigan! Now you get the same!
I wouldn't be too sure about that, Sugarface, She looked down at Dick's waist. Dick had had his gun out, trained on her astoundly mediocre face, the whole time! Now we can do this the easy way, or the Dick Hardigan way. The revenge crazed dame didn't make a move eitha way. Fine then, Dick Hardigan way it is. Dick cocked his gun.
*(Hardigan didn't really have to do that, he's kind of a dick like that)
Stayed tuned for more cases from the desk of Dick Hardigan, Private Eye! (or contribute your own, idk, I'll probably be too lazy to do another one)
lol also update. not a very big one, but it's not the size that counts, right? ok i'll stop
Loving it so far, but from the way the way the light hits the desk I would say you havent done the specular map?! If so: