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Art Assets

Hey guys,

I know for mobile you want 256 x 256 textures and stuff, and polycounts should be really low, but for modern PC games like Battlefield I have no clue what texture sizes and triangle counts are best. I am part of a community game project and I will most likely be doing some of the art assets. It will be done in Leadwerks, so it is a modern PC game. So I guess I have some questions.

1. How should large/complex models be created? One mesh? Many sub-meshes with sub materials?
2. What are the triangle counts for different types of models?
3. What are the texture sizes used for different types of models? For example "what texture size should be used for a shed model? A house? Big building? Gun?"

I never took any game modelling classes, so I have no clue what texture sizes are "too big". Is it a good idea to make sure you have the best UV map you can and then create the smallest texture that still looks good? Is that how it's done, or do you have a set goal for texture size?

Maybe you guys can help explain this stuff to me.



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