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Set props: Fantisy/D&D stuff.

Just as a background, I have been a vehicle modeler for over 15 years. If it drives, fly's or floats, im sure I modeled it. The thing is, my job is getting outsourced to South Korea or Vietnam! So adapt or die...

Recently, I went into a mentorship at 3DTI to learn Maya and Zbrush to try and expand my portfolio. This is one of my first non-vehicle models I have done, and one of the first products out of that education, so please understand that. I am still looking for critique's, so let me have it!

These peaces are based off of the very popular Torchlight concept art located here http://img.neoseeker.com/v_concept_art.php?caid=13811. I plan to do a small set, with a table, chair, this candle, and a few more decor peace’s, but here is the first peace so far.



Hows things looking so far? So for there is about 2 days production time in this 1 peace. I know I need to get it done faster. Here is the brakedown.

3DS modeling base object = 2 hours
Zbrush sculpt = 2 hours
Low poly re-top and baking = 4 hours
Texture work = 8 hours

Would love to get some feedback on this peace! Thanks in advance!


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