Hey people
I don't know if this has been done before, but as I haven't seen anyone show it off or mention it I thought I'd share it as it works pretty well
I'm sure I'm not the first!
I thought of this way to help make re-used assets look more unique from each other using vertex paint to offset texture coordinates. Instead of making multiple material instances for a different offset, etc, you can just paint it on!
(I'm probably not doing this in the best or most efficient way so if you have any suggestions about streamlining or anything, please share.
Here is the network. If you have more colours to spare you can of course offset it both ways:
In vertex paint mode, set the amount you want to offset by, 0 being nothing at all and 1 being 100% (so no change). I set it to .5, offset 50%
Here I painted the two blue verts, you can use this to squash and stretch textures.
Most of the time you'll just use the fill bucket so the entire mesh is offset.
You could even do tweaks or things like, slanting textures to follow a slope, etc. Of course most of that would be on a unique mesh but hey you never know!
Keep in mind this is most useful for modular environments, with tiling textures like this one here, and for that I've found it handy to keep the same assets looking unique.
Even if this is basic stuff I hope someone finds this useful, and please post any ideas/improvements you might have!