How can i isolate one layer in photoshop and edit it without having all the other layers around?
ive tried the atl+click visible icon already. it does a good job at hiding all the other layers, but sometimes i accidentally show another layer, and bam there goes all the hidden/visible data, meaning i have over 100 hidden layers and i have no idea which of them should be hidden and which should be visible, so it effectively ruins my whole scene..
1. Go to Windows | Layer Comps to open the panel.
2. Hide/show the layers you want for a particular scene.
3. Make a new layer comp with Visibility checked.
4. repeat steps 2-3, until you have all the comps you need.
5. If you add/remove layers use the Update Layer Comp button.
If another layer becomes visible just alt-click the visible icon on your target layer again.
But I may not be understanding your problem thoroughly.