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3d max scanline and normal maps

Hi, I've created a normal map from a heightmap using nvidia plugin in Photoshop.
But now when I render it in the scanline render of Max it doesn't look good. Those 8 rectangles shouldnt be protruding. I've done it in nvidia plugin with invert Y activated, I think this is the right way to do it for max.

Apparently the normal map is right, and testing it with Xoliul shader it looks good.

I don't think is a problem of inverted channels.

The thing is that I can not get a good render with a normal map applied with the scanline, I don't know why.
I'm using 3d max 2009.
Any idea?


  • EarthQuake
    looks like you have the normal map loaded as a bump map.

    Make sure to load "normal bump" material into the bump map slot and then select your normal map.

    Generally though, whats the point of using the scanline renderer for a realtime asset? You'll be better off setting up a nice realtime shader.
  • styx
    Ha! I can not believe it! I did know that and I did not realise..
    I use all the time hardware shaders that I totally forgot this "small" detail.
    This and too many hours at the computer... :)
    Thank you!
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