Hi there!
This thread is a game project tread about a game project in my school.
We are 4 Artists and 5 programers.
What to do:
This game is going to be a top down mulitplayer game in a fantasy enviorment.
The first map we are going to do is a medieval tavern.
You are a magician and the goal is to kill all the other magicians.
In this tread i hope that all Artist will post what they are working on for the project and hopefully get some nice feedback.
The first one is a beer mug and will be animated to spinaround. It will be a HP pickup
The second is some candle lights. Like everything in the game i used zbrush and for the SSS effect i used emissive map. (it will have a particle effect later on as the light)
The secound is a mana pickup and the last is somthing i did in maya to try to put somting together to see how it looked like.
Only thing I would like to ask though, as im new to zbrush is:
1) what is the SSS effect you speak of?
2) How are emissive maps made? I know of Normal, Specular, AO, Bump, Diffuse, Etc...
Cheers :P
For constructive criticism - I would retexture the mugs handles as they look kinda displaced and warped a little in the wood grain.
This is some chairs and stools.
Every small object in the game will have physics if you hit it, it will tip or get thrown away.
This object will break apart and become small pieces. You can se the pices in the back.
This is some bar parts. made 3 pieces in zbrush and used the cavity map in the deffuse to get those nice highlight. so no textuire painting whas made, only different maps in different blend modes.
The foam on the beer could do with some more specular and maybe even some reflection to give it more of a wet look, at the moment it looks very dry and solid.
The sss effect are the effect you get then holding your hand up in the air to cover the sun or having a lamp behind your ear.
Is is when the light goes throug somting and looks transperent.
SSS = sub surface scattering
Is often have a nother map a sss map but i used a emmissive map.
A emissive map are a map that often are tottaly black. The area you give colour will "ignore" To get effected of any shadows and when you but them in a dark enviorment it looks like they glow.
My texture for the candles look like this
I hope that I am good at teaching. Peace
Thanks man
Dont suppose you could post your mana potions texture for a better example?
David Wakelin : Retextured handle for you! + Mana emmisive map
Dont suppose you have any tutorials or websites etc? anything that could help me improve my own texture skills? Im at school also...
Ye sure!
This is a hard surface texturing tutorial. some part are a bit "oldschool" but i remember i learned a lot from it back then. and some of this techniques can be used for a lot more then hard surface.
This is a tutorial page for showing how far you can go with just making normal maps in photoshop. and some other textures. Realy nice stuff. And you can dawnload every psd file to look closer to the projects. This dude was using "Ndo1" but the X normal Plugin in photoshop works fine to.
Xnormal plugin for photoshop Free Download Page.
hope it helps.
on which school are you studying?
But its Leeds Metropolitan University.
Games Design
Studying for BSC (hons) Game Design Degree.
- I find I can texture basics, and use a vary of maps to improve its look and add some detail, but always renders terrible... made need to practice or learn more about painting textures...
Whats your workflow of painting a texture if you dont mind me asking?
Once I've modelled the basic mesh and seamed the model for its UV layout.
I paint the basic colour on - then I overlay my Normals Green Channel to see any additional detail, and then overlay an AO/Specular on to add further detail..
In this project i made a pipeline for all the groop members to follow.
1: Make a basemesh with eaven topology.
2: Import it to zbrush and make your highpolly
3: Make a lowpoly from your highpolly
4: Bake normal map, Ambient, Hightmap, Cavity map.
5: Go in to photoshop and mask out where the different materials would be. Give every material a photoshop layer and fill it with a colour.
6: make the deffuse:
use the hightmap on overlay above your colors 20-30%
use the cavitymap on overlay or color dodge (depends on material) and give the cavity map a level corection so its totaly black with only the highest highlights white.
Sometimes i put in the Ambient in the Deffuse eaven if that is WRONG to do.
7: then i use the same maps in the speck but black and white of course.
Then i have a good base to start working with. This is absolutely not that i do in every project but it was for this. so every thing would fit together and so you could make A LOT of props on the same day. + i found the style pretty cool.
In other personal project i just use a lot of reference pictures to studdy every material and then just mimic it.
you can find my texture maps in some of my personal projects on my website
Hope it helps..
Stylized normal maps = Awesome
Thanks for sharing
this is the highpoly model (in progress)that Im working in for our light magician character! game model should be done by the end of the week.
1 - The boots look like there seperate parts or there socks with a shinpad attached.
2 - Idk if its supposed to be a belt or rope of some kind but that looks wierd also and should be further defined
3 - I think the creases on the trousers are perfectly symetrical?
But as I said before it looks nice. Props Guys
Thanks a lot for the crit!! I have thought of some of the things you´re mentioning. the model is not done yet, got a lot of detailing left to do, such as adding laces, shoe-bottoms, defining the belt, nails on fingers, some metal details on the arm shields etc.:). however I will address the symmetry on the pants problem asap!
Big thanks once again!!:)
Here is a update on the wizard. no wizard without a staf right
Loving the idea you guys have got cooking up, I really hope you'll upload after you've finished it so we can all have a go. Great work with the props and characters.
So are the artist doing the animations also?
(Textures done, now to somthing else)
I guess the screenshot on the right are the camera position in the game, and off course the angle you'll see the model from? If so, it looks cool. Maybe only comment right now is that the specular isn't really there... Not sure, but maybe you'll need to give the spec map a boost...
Cheers guys!
I what to boost the spec. We work in a own engine so a lot can happen befour this caracter is in game.
Here are the maps and wires.
And a speed scuplt on a frog i hopfoly can put in the game soon
Was originally first poster and I've kept a watch on this thread. It's coming along great, again I'm a rookie when it comes to texturing but how come your textures are named albedo, substance and roughness... Never heard of those map types lol. Only heard of diffuse, spec, AO, normal, etc
How was the diffuse made/base texture made is what I'm asking!
The techniqe is cales physical based lightning and are what it says. Its lightning math from our world calcylated down to colours (of course you dont have to do any math your own) But the "PBS" shading have A lot of maps you can compliment with and make results REALY realistic (If you like)
I print screand it from my maya vewport with the shader that is needed to visualizing is in maya. You can download it here if you like http://www.kostas.se/?p=30
Albedo: Works allmost exactly like Deffuse. just cransk up the colours like 15%
Roughness: Works like Speck and Gloss all toghether (No alpha chanel)
Substance: Take care of the fresnel. Witch basicly means where on the area the light will bounde. For exemple a plastic material has a highlight that is sharp and face the camera, rubber often has a darker Ruffness map and a rimlight thats visible with a smother fadeoff.
Here is a thread made by the same gouy that made the koddeshader, if you whant to know more
Games using this today is Dota 2 and COD Black ops if im not mistaking, And meny more uses this but in there own way.
Im not so good at explain things but hope you have some better understanding of it now.
But if you new to 3D and texturing keep it to the Defuse,Normal,Speck,Gloss and if you whant to try it out later on. Go for it
Then i copyed the normal and used the X-normal plugin in photoshop
filter -> Xnormal -> Normal 2 cavity
(I think i used the setings X+ Y- Z+)
Then i took the cavitymap and made more contrast to it so only the highlited part whas white and the other parts black, Put the layer on Screen (or colour burn if you do wood)
and then you have the highlights. Rememeber to have this layer on top of like all of your Diffuse layers
The shadows whas made on a similar whay (but with some settings i dont have in my head) + a AO on like 20% poasity
What I really could do with is improving my own diffuse maps; could you break down how u made yours?
I simply block in my own colours, overlay the an AO, overlay the normal's green channel to display the creases, desaturate slightly and add materials/dirt...
Don't suppose you could Tell me how u make ur diffuse?
Just noticed you have answered a minute before this post lol! I need Xnormal now!!!!
Cheers dude
questions and i dont regret it a bit. XD
I have a hard time to explain things with text, BUT when im back in school i can make a Tutorial with pictures and show my workflow that way. SUpose that is easyer to learn as well. I have a day of tomorrow but if you can whait untill the day after tomorrow, I will show all the "secrets" of the Wizard
That would be amazing, I really appreciate it.
In no in rush I know u have alot of work; and I have alot of learning!! Haha
Whenever your free and available just drop it in a private message! So I can save it out to read over many many times!!
Cheers Pal!!
here come da props.