I'm using MaxScript for a uni module and my idea to create a scene generator. I'm keeping it simple for now and sticking with just a hilly scene.
I have managed to create a road using a box, a line and an extrude along spline function. What I need the road to do now is mold to the hilly scene. How would I go about doing this?
I have found some code that causes teapots to stick to each face on a plane, I was wondering if I would use something similar?
obj = $Plane001
converttopoly obj
for i = 1 to (polyop.getnumfaces obj) do
tp = teapot radius:3 pos:((polyop.getfacecenter obj i)+[0,0,10]) name: (uniquename (obj.name + "_tp")) segs:1
tp.material = meditmaterials[1]
converttomesh obj
for i in (execute ("$" + (obj.name + "_tp") + "*")) do
r = ray i.pos [0,0,-1]
fid = (intersectrayex obj r)[2] - 1
bc = (intersectrayex obj r)[3]
controller = attachment()
controller.node = obj
i.pos.controller = controller
addnewkey i.pos.controller 0f
k = attachctrl.getkey i.pos.controller 1
k.face = fid
k.coord = bc
My problem with it though is that it only moves one of my trees to the floor because ti requires the tree to be selected. I am importing the trees using xreferencing in a loop so it will make x number of trees. The problem is, when I tell it to select xrefTree, it will only select the one tree.
Any ideas?
local r = ray objects_to_z.pos[0,0,-1]
local nodeMaxZ = z_plane.max.z
r.pos.z = nodeMaxZ+0.0001* abs nodeMaxZ
intersectRay z_plane r
for i in selection do
int_point = find_intersection $Plane001 i
if int_point != undefined then i.pos = int_point.pos
I need to find some way of making the road do this. I think it lies in using this kinda of code on the all the vertex in the shape.