So this 3D engine I'm using(and I can't change the tech sadly) seems to use lightmaps(just simple 2D dds textures which are mapped to the second UV channel in geometry) in quite a particular way for large chunks of terrain. It seems to read the alpha channel from the lightmap and use it as a multiplier to the lighting calculated by the engine(dot product between surface normal and reflected light). The engine on its own doesn't cast any shadows on terrain, but it does with objects.
I can generate maps via VRay fine thanks to the following script(from the game Proun). I don't really expect anyone to read it but I'll post it for the sake of having a reference.
lightmapPath = undefined
--This function checks whether a new unwrap should be created for channel 2 and does so if necessary.
-- Param obj: the object to work on.
-- Param createUnwrap: whether to add a new unwrap modifier if an unwrap existed already.
-- Param collapseAfterUnwrap: whether to collapse the modifier-stack after adding the unwrap modifier.
function handleUnwrapping obj createUnwrap collapseAfterUnwrap =
--Check whether an unwrap in channel 2 already exists.
addModifier obj (edit_mesh())
local channel2UnwrapExists = meshop.getMapSupport obj 2
deleteModifier obj 1
print "creating unwrap1"
--Create a new unwrap in channel 2 if requested or if it does not exist yet.
if createUnwrap OR NOT channel2UnwrapExists then
print "creating unwrap2"
--Add the unwrap-modifier.
addModifier obj (unwrap_UVW())
--The unwrap is put in channel 2, so as not to disturb the unwrap for the diffuse texture.
obj.modifiers[1].setMapChannel 2
--This is a bit of a hack, used to force 3dsmax to update the modifier dialogue. This is
--necessary for flattenMap to work.
classOf obj
--Select all textureTriangles, to apply the flattenMap on.
selectionBitArray = #{}
for i = 1 to obj.modifiers[1].numberPolygons() do
append selectionBitArray i
obj.modifiers[1].selectPolygons selectionBitArray
--Generate an automatic unwrap.
obj.modifiers[1].flattenMap 50 #([1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,-1,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,-1]) 0.01 true 0 true true
--Collapse the modifier stack (including the unwrap modifier) if requested.
if collapseAfterUnwrap then
print "creating unwrap3"
collapseStack obj
function calculateProportion obj =
--Getting vertex data requires an edit mesh modifier.
addModifier obj (edit_mesh())
--Calculate the length of an edge in UV-space.
local textureVertexIndex1 = (meshop.getMapFace obj 2 1)[1]
local textureVertexIndex2 = (meshop.getMapFace obj 2 1)[2]
local edgeUVSpaceLength = length ((meshop.getMapVert obj 2 textureVertexIndex1) - (meshop.getMapVert obj 2 textureVertexIndex2))
print ("edgeUVSpaceLength: " + edgeUVSpaceLength as string)
--Calculate the length of the same edge in world space.
local meshVertexIndex1 = (getFace obj 1)[1]
local meshVertexIndex2 = (getFace obj 1)[2]
local edgeWorldSpaceLength = length((getVert obj meshVertexIndex1) - (getVert obj meshVertexIndex2))
print ("edgeWorldSpaceLength: " + edgeWorldSpaceLength as string)
--The edit mesh modifier is now not needed anymore, so delete it.
deleteModifier obj 1
--Calculate the proportion for the resolution.
local proportion = edgeWorldSpaceLength / edgeUVSpaceLength
print ("proportion: " + proportion as string)
--Calculates the texture resolution for this object. This will be larger for large objects.
-- Param obj: the object to calculate the texture resolution for.
-- Param proportionMultiplier: a multiplier that can be used to alter the proportion between resolution and scale of the scene.
-- Param highestResolutionPower: the power of the maximum resolution to be used for a texture.
function calculateResolution obj proportionMultiplier highestResolutionPower =
local proportion = calculateProportion obj
local actualPower = log (proportion * proportionMultiplier)
print ("actualPower: " + actualPower as string)
actualPower = floor (actualPower + 0.5f)
--Make sure the calculated value is not out of range.
if actualPower > highestResolutionPower then
--This is to prevent very high resolutions.
actualPower = highestResolutionPower
if actualPower < 4 then
--This is to prevent very low resolutions.
actualPower = 4
--Return the resulting value in pixels.
actualResolution = pow 2 actualPower
print ("actualResolution: " + actualResolution as string)
function calculateOptimalProportionMultiplier createUnwrap collapseAfterUnwrap highestResolutionPower =
max modify mode
wantedMaximumProportion = pow 2 highestResolutionPower
maximumProportion = 0.0001
--These are the objects to be processed.
local selectedObjects = copy ($selection as array) #noMap
--Process every object.
for obj in selectedObjects do
--Only generate a lightmap if the object is geometry.
if isKindOf obj GeometryClass AND NOT isKindOf obj TargetObject then
--Select the object.
select obj
--Create an unwrap in channel 2 if requested or necessary.
handleUnwrapping obj createUnwrap collapseAfterUnwrap
--Calculate the resolution in pixels to be used for this object.
local currentProportion = calculateProportion obj
if maximumProportion < currentProportion then
maximumProportion = currentProportion
--Recover the selection the user made before calling this script.
select selectedObjects
print ("wantedMaximumProportion " + wantedMaximumProportion as string)
print ("maximumProportion " + maximumProportion as string)
wantedMaximumProportion / maximumProportion
--The function that actually performs the generation of the lightmaps.
-- Param proportionMultiplier: a multiplier that can be used to alter the proportion between resolution and scale of the scene.
-- Param forceAllToMaximumResolution: used to turn of adaptive resolution calculation for the texture.
-- Param createUnwrap: whether to add a new unwrap modifier.
-- Param collapseAfterUnwrap: whether to collapse the modifier-stack after adding the unwrap modifier.
-- Param highestResolutionPower: the highest resolution lightmap a large object can get.
function generateLightMaps proportionMultiplier forceAllToMaximumResolution createUnwrap collapseAfterUnwrap highestResolutionPower =
max modify mode
lightmapPath = getSavePath caption:"Select the folder to save to"
if (lightmapPath == undefined) then exit
--This will be reused for all lightmaps to be generated.
local map = VRayLightingMap()
--While having its lightmap generated, each object temporarily gets this white material.
--This is necessary, because VRay does not fully support texture baking and cannot ignore
--the standard material.
local whiteMaterial = standardMaterial()
whiteMaterial.diffuse = color 255 255 255
--These are the objects to be processed.
local selectedObjects = copy ($selection as array) #noMap
--Process every object.
for obj in selectedObjects do
--abort operation if escape is pressed
if keyboard.escPressed then
--Only generate a lightmap if the object is geometry.
if isKindOf obj GeometryClass AND NOT isKindOf obj TargetObject then
--Select the object.
select obj
--Create an unwrap in channel 2 if requested or necessary.
handleUnwrapping obj createUnwrap collapseAfterUnwrap
--Calculate the resolution in pixels to be used for this object.
local resolutionInPixels = 64
if forceAllToMaximumResolution then
resolutionInPixels = pow 2 highestResolutionPower
resolutionInPixels = calculateResolution obj proportionMultiplier highestResolutionPower
--Change the material to the white material and store the original material.
local originalMaterial = obj.material
obj.material = whiteMaterial
--Settings for the baking of this object.
map.autoSzOn = false
--map.directOn = true
map.elementName = "baked"
map.enabled = true
map.filename = (lightmapPath + "\\" + + "")
map.filenameUnique = false
map.filetype = "DDS"
map.filterOn = true
--map.inDirectOn = true
map.outputSzX = resolutionInPixels
map.outputSzY = resolutionInPixels
--map.shadowsOn = true
map.targetMapSlotName = ""
--Attach the baking to this object.
local bakeobject = obj.INodeBakeProperties
bakeobject.addBakeElement map
bakeobject.nDilations = 64
bakeObject.bakeEnabled = true
bakeObject.bakeChannel = 2
--let the currently selected object be baked.
render rendertype:#BakeSelected outputwidth:map.outputSzX outputheight:map.outputSzY vfb:true outputfile:map.filename
--Baking is finished for this object, so reset the baking settings for this object.
--Restore the original material of this object.
obj.material = originalMaterial
--Recover the selection the user made before calling this script.
select selectedObjects
--The user interface for the lightmap generator.
rollout lightmapGenerator "Lightmap Generator"
Group "Resolution:"
RadioButtons resolutionRadioButtons "Highest resolution:" labels:#("32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096") default:8
Spinner proportionMultiplier "Multiplier:" range:[0.001, 10000000, 600] type:#float
Button calculateGoodMultiplier "Calculate good multiplier"
CheckBox forceAllToMaximumResolution "Force all to maximum" checked:false
Group "Channel 2 unwrap"
CheckBox unwrapCheckBox "Create new unwrap" checked:true
CheckBox collapseCheckBox "Collapse modifiers" checked:true enabled:true
Button executeButton "Start lightmap generation"
on calculateGoodMultiplier pressed do
proportionMultiplier.value = calculateOptimalProportionMultiplier unwrapCheckBox.checked \
collapseCheckBox.checked \
(resolutionRadioButtons.state + 4)
on unwrapCheckBox changed newState do
collapseCheckBox.enabled = newState
on executeButton pressed do
generateLightMaps proportionMultiplier.value \
forceAllToMaximumResolution.checked \
unwrapCheckBox.checked \
collapseCheckBox.checked \
(resolutionRadioButtons.state + 4)
--Put the user interface on the screen.
createDialog lightmapGenerator
TL;DR;, it replaces temporarily the material with a white material, unwraps UVWs to the second channel, collapses those modifiers, renders out the "baked" element to a texture, and restores the original material.
So here's the problem. This script produces perfect lighting maps, but there's only one caveat. It always uses a full alpha value of 255(1.0) in every pixel. I would need to somehow store the lighting information(shadowed or not) into the alpha channel of these textures so the engine knows how to use it.
The reason for this alpha-channel multiplication is so the game can blend real time shadows with lightmap shadows and such(hence, no shadows are drawn in areas where the alpha is 0, which would be the shadowed parts of the terrain).
I've been looking at the VRay baking elements, but some of them don't seem to be really useful, and the ones which look like it just generate in pitch black("VRayRawShadowMap" and such). Anyone here with more experience on it would mind pointing me in the right direction?
Using a VRay version above v2.0.
To sum up:
- I need to generate regular lightmaps with the addition of a value of how "lit" it is(being 0 a shadowed part of the geometry) on the alpha channel of the baked map.
EDIT: Quick edit, if the only solution is to render out a separate lightmap for the shadow information, I have no problem, I can code my own software for that quickly to merge both maps and change the alpha channel accordingly.