hey guise. Ive been wondering that has to be a better way for this:
as you can see, there are many small edges on the border of the UV island, and i want to weld them. This is just an example, and sometimes the UV island is bigger and there are crazy amounts of small edges to be welded..
Usually i've just swallowed my pride and went through welding each edge seperately, but that just takes a long time and is highly inefficient.
there has to be another way?
i realized this picture example is not very good, because all the vertices to be welded are closer to each other than they are to the verts they stem from.
if you select a vert, you can see how all the other verts that correspond to the same vert on the model, they sort of light up as if they are also selected.
what i want is to select a bunch of vertices, then weld them to their respective vertice-partners.. dunno if that makes sense.
heres a better example:
in the example i posted there are only 3 vertices, but imagine if there were maybe 100 vertices in similar conditions. I cant beleive nobody has made a script or something for this yet. I cant think of any reason why you would want to weld two verts that are not neighbors..
what stops me from using normal weld: the 3 vertices in the example, if i select them and normal weld, they will all be welded to the middle vertice. The left and right vertices which are neighbors are further away from each other than they are from the 3rd vertice.
in the unwrap window there is a 'weld threshold' setting. Set this to zero or a very low number.
this is nothing you could do with the conventional weld tool, because the weld tool chooses which vertices to weld based on distance between the verts, whereas i want to weld the vertices based on whether or not they are pairs.
this thread is not about the example pictures, they are just there to try to explain what i want to do.
What im trying to ask in this thread, is that is there some way to weld vertices based on whether or not they are neighbors, instead of the distance between the vertices?
just forget all the examples, they obviously didnt work.
Set the W value to zero before you weld. There are three dimensions in the UVW unwwrap and you can only see two of them.
why is it so hard to give a yes or no answer? does this tool exist?
its just very frustrating trying to explain what i want to do which is hard but then you just keep answering all kinds of different unrelated things.