Hey guys,
My hand painted texturing leaves alot to be desired, and i could use some more practice in UDK - so i figured i'd kill two birds and do the splash damage environment art test (2012 edition). Being relatively new to game environments i'm also trying to wrap my head around modular assets and design. Would appreciate any help or advice you can throw at me
The concept
My attempt at a hand painted tiling brick texture
My approach so far
Thanks and stay tuned
Also, while you would normally be working in a team environment, the point of most art tests is to see exactly what you are capable of on your own, without the help of a board critiques. Like I said, I could be wrong on this and I can't speak for Splash Damage as I don't work there or anything but you may want to see what their policy is on posting your art test making of before you shoot yourself in the foot.
@Praetus "Oh, that looks great, I'll make mine look like that." - Those poor misguided souls.
just my 2 cents. solid textures BTW.
@Alberto. Yeah don't worry too much, i've definitely got something thats significantly different to the concept . Red bricks are ( i think) an important part of that whole old vs new thing the concept has going on. I did use some of that reference though, its awesome - thanks.
@gummi. Woo
Thanks guys.
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