I've been working on this on and off and thought that its about time I posted my wip and hopefully get some input on how to improve it.
So I'm trying to make a garage scene from the 1940s or close to that era. I don't know how accurate I'll be able to get but hopefully convincing enough. Of the many references I've gathered my main source of reference is this image below.

Here's what I've done so far in my scene:

Crits very welcomed and appreciated.
I would ditch the brick columns on the inside, they really don't add much and do more to block the line of sight.
The two brick textures you have on the outside seem a bit muddy in comparison to the street/sidewalk which are nice and crisp. Maybe throw an unsharp mask on them in PS.
DeadyFreeze: I threw on an unsharp mask, I think that helped it a bit.
I may consider resculpting the bricks now that I look at it again...
Thanks for the input guys.
add some more detail
exhaust pipe
license plate
handle to open trunk
side mirrors (only if this car originally had them)
rear lights
keep up the good work
As it is though, without the mortar there is really no reason to be sculpting them as they should be pretty flat, save for some detail normals to show seams and chips.