we're now on facebook if anyone wants the dev diaries direct to their newsfeed: http://www.facebook.com/simiansquared
give us a like to keep up to date
Hey there guys! Thought I'd post our little "challenge here as well Feel like painting/sketching up a game character for "The Other Brothers" perhaps? Check it out here:
Ohh those new screens are very fun. Had the chance to see Bjorn animating of of the Rats. Incredible streaming, definitively worth to check.
Hope to see some video about the new realtime weather system. Made me curious.
Thanks Dado! Glad you like what we do. You will get a glimpse at the "weather" system soon as we are preparing for Kickstarter. Hope we have your support
@Macattackk - Thanks as well mate! We shall keep it up that way!
Hello all, I know it's been a little while but we've had our heads down again, working hard (there's a huge announcement coming very soon!)
In the mean time though here's a dev diary post:
Built on top of the standard unity rendering pipeline is a dedicated set of tools, shaders and custom mesh code that perfectly emulate 16 bit style rendering and DOS style rendering. This technology enables us to colour cycle, flash, make things a “virtual resolution”, add realtime dithering and realtime resolution normalization so that you get a real retro feel from it as opposed to just drawing it all. It includes vignetting, plus screen “burn” effects to emulate an old monitor display
The Other Brothers Kickstarter Campaign is now live! Your support is crucial and oh so appreciated. Please, become a Backer and help us bring back some good, family, Retro Pixel fun!!! Facebook our campaign, share it, tweet it, message it, text it!
Loved the artwork since you've posted this thread, Awesome work guys this is looking ace, when I scrounge up some dough I'll put my $ in to help you gents out.
Best of luck and I don't see why you wouldn't hit your mark, It's reasonable.
Loved the artwork since you've posted this thread, Awesome work guys this is looking ace, when I scrounge up some dough I'll put my $ in to help you gents out.
Best of luck and I don't see why you wouldn't hit your mark, It's reasonable.
Thank you so much! Thanks in advance in case you part with your dough I think we are asking for a very reasonable amount considering we are 4 people who would be working full-time on this project for the next 3 months.
You need to find a way to get this up on kotaku, know anyone?
Any help is greatly appreciated here! If anyone here knows anybody at Kotaku please give them a little hint Perhaps if more people ask/contact them about it ....
Rock Paper Shotgun do a weekly "Kickstarter Katchup" article that covers the latest succesfully completed, failed and running Kickstarter campaigns. They say they don't necessarily cover every submission, but it'd certainly be worth a try. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/04/kickstarter-katchup-2/
Thanks again HitmonInfinity! We sure listen to input and rest assured there will be more than just running and jumping. We're working on that right now Also, we updated our Kickstarter page with new tiers and images.
Thank you TeeJay! Over the last days we have gotten some interesting emails. People who want to interview us, publishers who want to talk to us, love and hate mails, help offerings, etc... The word is spreading! Thanks everybody here on Polycount! Greentooth Power!
Really need Greentooth's help on this one as unless a miracle happens we're not gonna be able to get funded. This will mean development hell for a while as we try and freelance to save up enough money again to resume work on TOB.
Best thing you can do for us guys is tweet it, spread the word and get it out there that our KS even exists! many don't know about it.
Thanks for the love, even if we don't get supported, we know you guys helped and that is worth a lot in my eyes so thank you
Hey again everybody! Please check our KS page for another update on "The Other Brothers"! Give it a read and a listen and let us know what you think!!!
Yes, donate! I'm sure every little bit will help.
For instance, I contributed $5, which is no fortune. But, it all adds up.
So do it, because this game looks amazing; and we should support our community.
give us a like to keep up to date
be sure to keep up to date by following @tobgame for general game news and @simiansquared for development news!
Here are a few new shots of "The Other Brothers"! Enjoy. You can also find us on IndieDB now! PLEASE check it out here:
Thanks for watching
Thomas P.
They are car mechanics and not Italian
Thanks Dado! Glad you like what we do. You will get a glimpse at the "weather" system soon as we are preparing for Kickstarter. Hope we have your support
@Macattackk - Thanks as well mate! We shall keep it up that way!
Read the entire thing I said OR
In the mean time though here's a dev diary post:
The Other Brothers Kickstarter Campaign is now live! Your support is crucial and oh so appreciated. Please, become a Backer and help us bring back some good, family, Retro Pixel fun!!! Facebook our campaign, share it, tweet it, message it, text it!
We couldn't resist
I wish you the best of lucks!
Best of luck and I don't see why you wouldn't hit your mark, It's reasonable.
Thank you so much! Thanks in advance in case you part with your dough
Any help is greatly appreciated here! If anyone here knows anybody at Kotaku please give them a little hint
spread the word and join in!
Thank you so very much HitmonInfinity and others for your help! We just updated the Kickstarter page to make it a bit more attractive and appealing.
To those who care, "Notch" (Minecraft creator) himself pitched in! What a great guy! We hereby thank him once again in public
Thomas P.
Thanks so much!
Thanks again HitmonInfinity! We sure listen to input and rest assured there will be more than just running and jumping. We're working on that right now
Thanks for checking it out
Thank you TeeJay! Over the last days we have gotten some interesting emails. People who want to interview us, publishers who want to talk to us, love and hate mails, help offerings, etc... The word is spreading! Thanks everybody here on Polycount! Greentooth Power!
Getting on Joystiq is good. Hopefully the word keeps spreading.
Perhaps if we ALL send them a Tip they will listen? I just send another short email. If you guys have a minute do it as well! Thanks!!!
Best thing you can do for us guys is tweet it, spread the word and get it out there that our KS even exists! many don't know about it.
Thanks for the love, even if we don't get supported, we know you guys helped and that is worth a lot in my eyes so thank you
@Joopson - Thanks for sending the tip!
@rawkstar - Thank you very much! You sure "rawk"
@TeeJay - A lot of people did send them a tip by now but they seem to just happily ignore all these emails.
You Sir are awesome! Thank you so MUCH
Please don't forget that Bjorn Hurri is painting live every Thursday (right now actually!)
Stop by if you guys have some sparetime!
BRAND NEW VIDEO, check it out!
Looking great !
For instance, I contributed $5, which is no fortune. But, it all adds up.
So do it, because this game looks amazing; and we should support our community.