Hey everybody! First time posting here so we'll see how it goes.

Just wanted to share some artwork that I've been working on for
AirMech. It's an Action-RTS game with transforming robots! There's a lot that I want to share so I'll keep updating this page as I have more time. Hope you guys like them!
The art in paricular really stands out.
Just wish the game wasnt freemium. Freemium really doesnt suit a rts game... man i want campaign. (i'd be happy with buying campaign levels though!) Also... Australian servers!
Don't worry Muzz. We're going to have a campaign/story and Australian servers. Actually, Australia should be available in the newest update!
You should play with them Snefer!
Glad you like the style and that you've been following the game!
I've had so much fun making these and I can't wait to post more. I love cramming as much as I can into these 256x256 textures.
To my inspiration folder
Thanks! We're actually using a custom engine for AirMech.
Madison!! I'm doing more 3D at this point but it jumps from day to day. I just help out where I can.
Also, I noticed you have actual geometry for the inner barrel of the tank, which doesnt seem necessary. Like I said though, I havent played the game so maybe theres a reason for that :P
I was actually planning on doing some breakdowns and the environment stuff is not out of reach. Also, there are the ground modes for AirMechs that I want to show but just haven't gotten around to it.
Glad you like the style!
The propellers on the Osprey don't use planes because the engines actually rotate 90 degrees when it moves so it wouldn't really look right. They would just look too flat and I wanted them to have a little thickness.
The tanks, and most units with large barrels, have a slight inset for the inner barrel because it gave them that extra detail that looked good when viewed from the camera angle that we have. I did try it without the inset but it just looked too plain. Hope that explains why I did what I did.
You should try out the game Selaznog. In my opinion, it looks amazing. Especially when you play it in higher resolutions (1680x1050+).