Hi,this is some work that I'm doing primarily as learning project on UDK if it ends up looking good might eventually end up in portfolio.
The environment is based on Deus Ex concept art image that I found on internet. I'm going to make the environment a bit different from the original concept so it doesn't end up looking like I'm just copying it and that I have no imagination.I don't really have much to show except few texture most of them need improvements and are still WIP.
C&C are welcome!
Concept art:
Each texture is 512x512 pixels in size probably going to put them later into texture sheet to save on processing power and that stuff.

Ignore numbers on this one they will be removed

You say:
"I'm going to make the environment a bit different from the original concept so it doesn't end up looking like I'm just copying it and that I have no imagination."
I say:
"hey, maybe this guy has issues with following other peoples concepts and isn't able to accurately portray the scene in 3d."
While that may not be the case, it may be worth proving that you can do that, as it is a pretty difficult thing to do. If you are following a concept, follow it until you think you could improve on it, rather than making arbitrary changes to show "creativity". Creating something from someone else's concept is a good skill to learn.
Again,just my 2 cents