Hi. I've added some WIP shots of my character named 'BOGCHOPS'. He's a retro sci-fi style space cowboy in the vein of Han Solo or Rick Deckard but more like a greasy Total Recall cab driver mixed with Braveheart..... I know what I wanted I've not modeled the face yet, will do that before monday, as well as rig. Before I go ahead with skinning, I wanna see if anyone can give me some ideas on how to improve my mesh, composition, technique etc etc. ANY feedback would be much appreciated.

* topology around mouth has been totally rebuilt to accommodate lip movement
* ears have been altered
* eyes moved closer together and nose bridge scaled inwards
* cheeks gaunter
* head un-rounded
* shoulders made stronger
* arms made larger and less weak
* jacket made bulkier to suit layered clothing
will rig it now so will be a few days before any sculpting and texturing renders will be up. Keep the feedback coming though Cheers.
would be a great idea but I've run out of time. I reckon I'll try something like that after the assignment is completed. Cheers mate.
* enlarged head
* widened shoulders
* curve in vest and shortened height of vest
* added height to legs
* enlarged and modified boots for grounding
and there was a bunch of other small fixes.
This IS the last time I am modifying the mesh. (unless someone picks something vitally wrong with what I have
I can see some minor issues so will fix them but no need to repost render
His neck scarf/cloth what ever it is, looks a bit weird, looks like its climbing up his next too much.