Greetings Polycount,
My name is Oliver. This is my first post on polycount.
Little info about myself: I am currently taking a program for Game Art and Design at Vanarts. I will be seeking to get a job in the video game industry for characters after I finish my demo reel. This is one of two characters I need to complete before the end of August.
I will be displaying my progress here to get criticism and feedback from the community to help steer me in the right direction. I look forward to your responses and feedback, and I would also like to note that I am glad to join the community.
*I do apologize for the first long post*
Tear Sheets (Reference)

Proxy Mesh:
*Some of this modeling will be retopologized after the high res is finished in Zbrush*

This is a rough block in of the equipment and base mesh. Quick proportions check. I know some of the normals are reversed and geometry is crashing. I will be fixing that this evening.

Thank-You for your time.
i like what your going for keep it up and hope to see some texture soon
Update: Here is base mesh first pass sculpt. I'm still in Low Sub Div. (Under 500k) So no micro details. Trying to nail proportions, scale and anatomy.
The texture im definetly going with is
I can understand the confusion in my tear sheets since their is multiple camouflages. sorry about that.
I would suggest checking out some hard surface modeling techniques, since in the long run you're going to have to make things look good while smoothed. And for this you need really close control of edge flow and whatnot. From that you can make some pretty damn sweet looking guns
But yeah, good work. Make a few more heads, go back and forth between zbrush and Maya to find a happy equilibrium between sculpting and modeling. Your anatomy model looks great, but there are always ways to get better. keep going!
Getting everything scaled and in there. Some Items are still missing. I got some work to do on the arms and a lot of work to do on the wrinkles on everything. I'm changing the helmet for Gallet 3000 to a PASGT Helmet. Better helps the silhouette. I'm open to all suggestions and feedback!
Are you going to be sculpting scratches and stuff on the pieces ? That would look amazing. Maybe some fish scales stuck to him. lol
Don't stay up too late
Still looks awesome!
Feel free to tear this apart if you spot things I can change for the better.
Long overdue update: