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[WIP] Demon guy - waf

Hi polycount, been mostly in lurk mode for years with the odd post here and there, but time to end that with my character!

This is a college assignment where I must make my character with 16k~ tris.

Silhouette drawing :


More fleshed out concept :


Base Mesh :


Right now I'm up to this


So far the main areas I've worked on are the top of the chest / head, bottom of pants and shoes. I've only put some light work into the abdomen but I feel it could use fresh eyes since I've been looking at this thing for too long :poly118: . I have a few days to finish up sculpting the major forms of this guy and then retopo it before I do a fine detail pass over him for things like skin pores&wrinkles/bone chipping / jeans pattern and seams, etc.

Looking forward to any comments and crits (flames are welcome too!).


  • waf
    Here's a close up of the pants and shoes.

    ignore the top of the pants :p I was playing around with a belt design

  • waf
    Done up torso, now onto the wings

  • fabio brasilien
    Offline / Send Message
    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    "way to even out the Zsphere topology?"
    You could use dynamesh after that.
    But I preffer block the main forms->retopology->sculpt details

    Sorry for not reading all the text. I avoid long texts to checking more posts. As suggestion, keep the text clear and short, this way it won´t scary people. :)

    Some feedback:
    He is skinny, but I would suggest add more volumes to the bone areas, he can be a monster, but it will add realism to him. Look some "anorexy" references and you will see what I am talking about.

    The pants are nice. But in your concept it is larger. Also the details looks blurry and too big. Small details add sense of scale to it.

    The wings are too skinny, even in the concept. Add some muscles on that. It doesn´t look like he can fly with such skinny wings.

    Head: You could go two ways, one is a skull helmet and other is a skull head. At this stage it looks like a skull helmet.
    For a helmet wyou could basicay use any form you want.
    For a skull head I wuggest get some reference and make a nice transition from the neck area to the bones. This would look cool!
  • waf
    Thanks for the tip about the text, I'll edit my first post, I tend to ramble on occasion :)

    I'll try to work in your suggestions, especially at the top of the pants where it's so bare, and I'm about to do wings so I'll flesh them out as I work on them instead of keeping them too thin.
  • David-J
    Offline / Send Message
    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Looking good. some anatomy issues here and there. the abs, stomach area is too flat, needs more volume. The neck looks weird, where the adam's apple you have this turkey neck that is distracting. Also you are loosing some volume on the elbows and having some pinching. Also the hands are too round on the top. they look to curvy.

    Other than that it's looking really good. Looking forward to your progress.
  • _DeadPixel_
    I'd say for the pecks to be so over developed the arms would need to carry more muscle weight. Right now the shoulders and upper arms look too small/thin, the anatomy of the forearms need a lot of work, as well as the hands.
    I agree about the neck, it looks crazy long, try pulling it back to make it less hunched over.
    Keep at it, will look pretty sweet when it's finished! :)
  • waf
    Hey guys here's an update, thanks for your comments about his general anatomy, I feel it made a big difference.

    I also reshaped his wings with the help of a friend who loooooooooves dragons and scolded me (with good intention!) on the wing design.

    On top of that I retopo'd him and I'm still under budget which is good. The wing's edgeflow needs work up the top.





    I think either his hands are too big or his arms are too short, my eyes are lying to me so I would like a crit there.

    I am yet to touch his pants / head, (and also yet to sculpt his wings, I do understand they are thin at the moment), since I was working on the retopo first to get more resolution in those areas, but I just had friends come to visit from interstate, time is going to be tight >_<.
  • Ghostman511
    His hands are actually slightly small. A hand normally will cover your entire face, but ya his arms are a little short too. I think his crouch is making them seem shorter then they are as well. Try raising the crotch a bit. The norm is 4 head lengths down.

    Hope this helps!:)
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