I recently posted some of my space themed 3D art. So someone mentioned that my previous "spaceship" looked a bit phallic which he was right! Luckily it wasn't my design, I just modelled it based off SpaceX Falcon rocket. So after that I decided to try my hand at a more complicated spacecraft. Originally I was going to model a huge starship but I felt that was too much work for now. So I modelled the N-1 Starfighter, I think I did a pretty good job on the modelling, Considering it was my first attempt and no blueprints... Had to do it by eye. I'm not exactly that good in Blender's compositor so as you can see my outcome looks pretty outblown with the glow. But that's because I just imported my model into my other scene which had the compositor set up only for the planets. I hope to retopologize the model and texture it to use in UDK.
Personally, I'd recommend getting the marmoset toolbag for composites. But maybe that's because of how familiar I am with it, and I've never opened blender. You can download the trial version for free that has a small watermark in the corner (very, very easy to shoop out)
One of the things the narrator tries to emphasize is that the point of compositors like this is to really show off how great of a modeler/ textureer you are. With that in mind, I worry about the glow effects. I know you mentioned how you agree it washes out the scene but keep that advice in mind. I'm having trouble viewing your scene in the full glory it deserves.
Much better, Dagon! Good job on the modeling. I'd like to see some battle damage when you start texturing it. Can't wait to see this without the epic bloom :P
Wanted to see the model then? Here we go Next step is to cut down on the bloom except for the planet. And then it should look much better, But I must say textures are needed for this, It looks like a toy at the moment without textures. But if I'm going to texture it I'm going to have to make the low poly.
@BringMeASunkist : Hey thanks for the tutorial, I had Marmoset already installed but I didn't know how to use it. So thanks for that, Going to watch the tutorial now.
If Marmoset is the route you want to take, check out this great video tutorial on it: [ame="
One of the things the narrator tries to emphasize is that the point of compositors like this is to really show off how great of a modeler/ textureer you are. With that in mind, I worry about the glow effects. I know you mentioned how you agree it washes out the scene but keep that advice in mind. I'm having trouble viewing your scene in the full glory it deserves.