Home Full time/Part time work

We are looking for 2D artists

polycounter lvl 4
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Sperasoft polycounter lvl 4
Location - St. Petersburg (Russia)

• Work with a team of game designers and developers to create new concepts and bring them to completion;
• Use Photoshop and Illustrator to create game art and to turn it into usable assets for the development team.

• Highly fluent in and efficient with Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator for creating source artwork and making final production-ready art assets;
• Experience with creating simple animations, character animation is a plus;
• Must be available to work full time onsite with the team;
• Eager and flexible to accommodate feedback and revisions;
•Highly motivated; ability to self-manage time and tasks efficiently.

Please send your portfolios to jobs_art@sperasoft.com


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