When i started with 3d moddeling, i tried to build a HK45/P30, i was not surprised when i failed.
Now 1year later i thought it would be good if i try it again and look what i learned.
And for my own suprise, the beginning was almost easy and i got all the details in my opinion in a clean model. But now im stuck and need help.^^
This is the model i made 1year before.:

And this is my current model.:

And now my problem.
I´m not able to build the gun carriage right.
On the picture above you can see my first try, but the front is messed up so i started a new one but this time from the other site but it looks not better yet.
here the wire of my first try.:

and my second.:

i know the edges are not that sharp as in the render,because i use subdivsion surface i must set extra loops to sharpen them. i usually make that at the end to prevent my mesh for getting messed up through that.
i hope my english is not too bad. :poly122: