Hey Guys,
I'm a long lime viewer first time worked up the balls to post some work.I find myself looking at a very grey little box which fills me with confusion, but I 'll figure it out.
Anyway, I'd like to show you the milkfloat that I have been working on and some shots a grabbed earlier in the pipeline. My Milkfloat isn't any ordinary milkfloat, it's a Sci-fi milkfloat... with a custom lighting dual spec paint shader and some hello kitty inspired artwork thrown in for good measure.
So here's where I started off...
I saw this on concept ships,
which I thought was cool, put I wanted to make something my own, so after a quick sketch (I can't draw);

then came a bit of high polying;

followed by some low polying;

and some material editor frolicing;

to get me to here, which is where I left it today, (needs moar texturing tiemz);

it needs fiddling with, I've only started on the diffuse today, and the spec map currently is non-existent, I've got 2 3vectors one set to grey, one to near white as placeholders.
ETA: next Friday, cause that's when I finish uni, YEY

Crit is more than welcome

Cheers, Lew
I just wanted to point out one thing (It's nit-picky but worth mentioning), and it's the fact that on the front, you have the Katakana for Milk wrong, but on the side panel it's correct, with it being ミルク.
Other than that, can't wait to see the spec and final version. Nice work so far!
Well done
I can't take milk floats seriously anymore after watching David Firth's Milkman video.
@tristamus - fixed, thanks for pointing that out, ive been using google translate :P
I was going to leave the back open, a part of me likes the idea that it doesn't make sense. I mean who puts jet engines on a milk float in the first place? But maybe it does need something stop the crates flying off. I like the idea of a net, but I think it would add alot of noise to the back compared to the middle which is relativity empty. I think the solution I'm going to try is to dupe the handrails I have just behind the the cabin, to the back so that the crates have something to lean against, whilst keeping the back open.
I'm trying to keep everything above the chassis, geometry wise, as retro as possible so no milk retaining force fields i'm afraid
loads of problems back here, but you get the jist. Only had an hour to spend on this today so no texturing progress
really love the design. Totally digging the colour and texture u gave me. Pretty cute