hey guys/girls
i'm put this thread together because there's nothing as far as my knowledge of Max Payne in the forum.
So if you have anything that is inspired by Max Payne (2D/3D work) from either first, second or third game post it here, anything that you want to discuss about the game or the series it self feel free to post and basically ye that's it really.
and lastly if you also want to talk about the companies that make Max Payne (Remedy Entertainment or Rockstar games) also feel free to post but don't go to off topic this is for Max Payne so ye.

hope you guys will like this thread as much as i will and have a good day from where ever you are.

and here is the website for Max Payne 3
Apart from that, game look fantastic! I am really excited for this.
I know in Europe they had a good deal for the game, like 25% off. So it would come down to 45 dlls. But i dunno if that would translate into this region. I can look for the link if you want.
35Gb hard disk space required? Beast.
i'm still on the fence about wether i'm getting the pc or 360 version. Would much prefer the pc version, but if there's going to be more activity online for the 360 i'l go that route
I am up for playing tho, this game is gonna be sweet! so much to play between this and Diablo 3 and Dragons Dogma.
glottis8, you up for some live action if i go the 360 way?
yeh... the pc version comes out at the end of may... and i am sure it'll come out and there will be patches right away. I am not aware of any stress tests on their severs and what not.
But yea! i'll play with ya on the 360 for sure. lets just hope the 360 is the better of the 2 consoles.
honsestly i was more than skeptical after seeing early footage - you might even say totally dismissive
i hope it delivers on that and from the looks of it i won't have to sit through goofy cutscenes with embarassing dialogue, fist-pounding and high-fiving like some competitors do them.
seemingly, those recent rockstar games feature quite nice character work as well. is there any behind-the-scenes stuff out for this (and RDD)?
From the ~hour i've played though it's pretty awesome.
Just saw this:
- Windows 7/Vista (64 bit)
- Intel i7 3930K 6 Core x 3.06 GHZ or AMD FX8150 8 Core x 3.6 GHZ
- 16GB System RAM
- NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2GB RAM or AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB RAM
This is a lot more generous and flexible i think.Yeah cant wait to give it a go, i was holding off for the last two weeks on getting it for the 360, almost broke down and got it a few times after seeing adverts all over the city.
35 gigs though? That's insane. Crysis 2 was 9GB.
I am still looking fwd to playing it tho.
EDIT: boot this up early today and it runs like a charm! the game is pretty awesome, and you gotta love the physics in this game. I like the storytelling as well. Just played for about an hr and i am having fun. Anyone else?
The game looks pretty sweet on DX10.1 (dunno what the .1 does) the only thing i noticed is that the plants are not alphad out. I'll check that out later.
EDIT: Wow, just.....wow. I don't remember the last time I've had to go through so much shit just to try and get a game to actually work. It crashes before I even get to the main menu.
On the Legal screen by any chance? I'm getting a crash all the time now, worked fine this morning mind.
When I run the launcher the updater appears and seems to be downloading; it finishes a 'bar' and starts another, but nothing happens on it, then the game launches (and crashes).
Ah right I'm getting a different crash, if you check here http://support.rockstargames.com/forums/20686362-max-payne-3-pc-technical-support
There might be something there to fix a few, I'm hoping for a hot fix to sort this. It was bloody working fine this morning too =/.
The main word that comes to mind at the moment is 'shoddy'.
Yeah I've had no luck too, and yet people on the steam forums are saying a crack fixes the problem.
Also had the problem with Avira picking it up as a trojan, best thing is just to disable real-time protection for the time that you play and re-enable after.
(*** I hope You didn't buy some crap.):poly127:
My PC is one year old -
Windows 7 64 bits
Intel i7 2600 CPU - 3.4GHz
RAM 8 Go
GeForce GTX 460
The story looks good , multiplayer maps are greats !:poly142:
I've reinstalled, had the latest ATI drivers and now trying the latest beta drivers again with no luck.
Disabiling antivirus and firewall hasn't helped things.
i had 2 freezes in cut scenes (sound would go on but image stopped....) not a game breaker though.-as the checkpoint system is nicely done!
what i like the most is the storytelling it is really like an interactive comic!!! which definitely goes with the spirit of 1 and 2!
For me this was the best action game in years!- at least on pc!
i ran it in dx11 all on max... also tesselation.. which to be honest i expected to be more eminent visually... but after all i hardly could tell any difference except in cut scenes maybe.
Weirdly, the first time i installed an ran it, i got into the menu, watched the intro and was about to hit start when i figured i'd quit out and play it later.
it's never worked since...
It does seem to be the main issue thats hitting MP3 users at the mo.
Judging by the support Twitter and steam forums anyway.
For those with problems on the steam ver : http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2732135
Try this maybe.
I'm glad i cancelled my pre-order, this game sucks with ATI/AMD videocards and its drivers. I'm really fed up of ATI/AMD.
So far I'm enjoying it, it's playing well on my machine,the controls feel good and it still feels like Max Payne. Too many ingame cutscenes for my liking but I enjoy the action, story and character.
I have both and the game runs flawlessly. As someone said earlier in the thread, the 30 fps videos look shameful next to the 60+ fps in-game. I haven't had a single issue or hiccup, which is amazing for this day in age.
As a Max Payne-game though, I didn't enjoy it too much. The pace is too frantic, the new narrative doesn't come close to holding up to the graphic novel narrative, and it barely sports any of the wit or charm 1 and 2 had. The writing isn't as sharp either.
Apart from the graphic novel narrative, the element I missed the most, was the nightmare sequences. They were really cool in 1 and 2, and I can imagine R* being able to pull off some really crazy stuff with today's tech (see: Uncharted 3's drugtrip). They would also help break up the pace- making it more like the previous installments.
But ye, a good game nonetheless. The gunplay is superb, it runs great, and looks even greater.