Howdy all!
I'm developing an art style for my next project, and progress has slowed a bit lately so I'm hoping posting it online will give me a kick up the arse

the test scene I've started is some kind of secret entrance embedded in rock, beneath what might be a disused railway track:

the style I'm looking for is going to hopefully be unorthodox, I want a combination of gradients and unusual pixel art- with possibly quite abstract results. I have no idea if it's going to work or not but I need to stop procrastinating and get on with it

here's the start:

not too much to look at yet.. I really want a style with a pretty quick turnaround though since I need to be rolling out environments single-handedly
im just going to leave this here
Shep- Proteus is awesome
if these colours are looking kinda sickly, they're really more placeholder until I've got further down the line and can experiment with the mood of the scene. My plan is to add pixel art detail/patterns to the scene underneath the colours, to add some (abstract) surface detail
edit: testing- that changes the mood a bit doesn't it!
Great colors in the last one btw
here's some flora, really helps it come together imo: (unfortunately, I had to ditch the blue fog because of alpha planes picking up fog) the scene's in unity now
i was noodling on this while exporting...
just some thoughts on "lighting"
original below
top flipped sky gradient, darkened tree line, lightened foreground