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Environment to start

Hello Polycount,

I'm thinking in give a try to environment which I love to see and explore in games but I never have tried it before. I have the UDK, 3DS MAX and ZBrush here, but don't have any idea where to start, which environment is more easy to start? I don't have 2D skills to draw my own concepts =/. I think that my main problem now is which environment start, and then I will search for concepts and references.

I know it sounds like a dumb question, but I want some advices =)...

Sorry for my bad english.


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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    start small and acheivable...

    i do believe that is why the sci-fi corridor is so damn fucking popular... you can make it out of a very small set of components and it can feel complete
  • Mark Dygert
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    Go retro, do a dumpster then create an alley to go with it.
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    I agree with SHEPEIRO - think small enviros which are easier to manage.
    Enviros tend to turn out more complex than what they seem, so try to think about the one that feels realistic to do 4 u and then make it even a bit smaller ;)

    Personally I am not a fan of making a "set of finished props" first, and then building something with them, but rather going from big to small - larger structures and architecture first and then dress it with details if u want to.

    Beside a hallway (which is a good excercise indeed), a turntable diorama type of thing could be good too.
  • DF 0024
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    I know that feeling. I'm kind of newbie myself and this what I have done to get over this feeling.
    1. Get yourselft inspiration or a concept from a concept artist. Concept Art World is a good start to get inspiration. BUT each time you want to replicate a concept art, please advise the artist and get is permission to use is art. /*Personnal experience: Most of the time people wan't bother, they will just want the final result. */
    2. You have to create an moodboard/makeup for what your level will look like. Keep it near you workspace, make it as your desktop wallpaper! However, make a serious research before making any asset. Get some real life example for each asset you will made.
    3. Make lists. Class the element of the level. What is essential to look like your environment? When you have the essential, make a list to get the level pretty. And finally what kind of element you can add to the level to get it unique and tell a story?
    4. Make one list a time, create the element of the list, build your level with what you have. Do the lighting and postprocess each time. Save the level, make a picture, show to the world and said what is your next step.

    This is what I've done in the last few month and for myself, it make a real difference. Another thing to do is to put deadline for each list. With this two advice you will finish some project. If a element is to difficult or take too much time to make. Stop the project, start a small piece and get over the problem with this piece. After that, get back to your project.

    Here a rapid exemple with a castle environment:
    Essential element:
    - A wall of rock
    - A wooden floor
    - A wooden celling.
    - A door frame and a door

    Pretty element:
    - Painting
    - Trophy
    - Tapestry
    - Carpet
    - Different doors and windows
    - Furnitures
    - VFX

    Unique element to get a fantastic & narrative castle level:
    - Make some search to get your unique element.

    Work hard and have fun :)

    English is not my first language either.
  • wasabi
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    Just do a simple Uncharted scene.. you know the rocky environment that is featured on the main page..... Just Kidding... +1 for scifi corridor....
  • jordan.kocon
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    rather than something big and complicated like those concepts...
    how about

    it may seam boring but it has some nice shapes materials and lighting and you wont be bogged down making assets
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    And you'll be surprised how fun it is to play around with good lighting in really simple environments.
  • Mmachado
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    Thanks so much for your help!

    I like the idea of making a sci-fi corridor or a alley with a dumpster... I was trying to draw something :poly136::


    SHEPEIRO, thanks man. I will take your advice and make that corridor.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Nothing wrong with a realistic 2 walls and a floor for a first envio. It will really show you how complex and time consuming it can be. For a first time envio you will hit a lot of speed bumps that you want to hit and learn from.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Hahah that looks too complex already! :p
    Try one segment of that wall and the floor and tile the bad boy. Then when you have that all sorted, feel free to add extra stuff and expand on your foundation :)

    As a former character artist who chose to do environments instead, it won't take long before you fall in love with making enviros :)
  • Mmachado
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    Autocon and Anuxinamoon, Thanks. Maybe I can try make one of those segments after making the corridor that SHEPEIRO has posted. I'm already doing it.
    As a former character artist who chose to do environments instead, it won't take long before you fall in love with making enviros
    hehe, I hope so =)
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    If you will do some own concepting you dont need to make a beautifull painting you can just paint on paper with pencil and do simple layout drawing like a blueprint.
  • Mark Dygert
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    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    rather than something big and complicated like those concepts...
    how about

    it may seam boring but it has some nice shapes materials and lighting and you wont be bogged down making assets
    This would be prefect.
    There are half a dozen ways you can create this for different specs or goals and flex your technical know how (or use it to learn technical skills by trying new techniques).

    When you have it done you could work on taking it to new directions like mentioned in previous posts, day/night, as well as play out other classic themes like post apoc closed and abandoned, zombie attack, underwater, ravaged by robot spider minions programed to extract the metals, earthquake damage, jungle taking back its environment, retro 70's 50's or 20's being updated to futuristic times.

    You could practice story telling by thinking of a specific event then then helping the player/viewer to understand what happened. When working in the industry you often end up giving this kind of treatment to things you've already done. It's just a natrual part of story progression to evolve the elements over the course of the level/game.

    Showing a few different senarios springing from this one simple but elegant concept would show imagination, range and demonstrate the necessary skills as well as be something slightly new and evocative that it would stick in the viewers mind. At the end of the day that's really want you want to have happen...
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    some windows on the other side would be great for breaking the symmetry of the corridor and to add excuses for some interesting lighting.

    Btw, seen this, now its time to move to Pimping and Previews section ;)
  • Mmachado
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    Thanks so much guys! I created a thread in Pimping section:
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Something like what Shep posted I think would be good! Makes you consider all the real basics of modeling, texturing, and lighting. I'd say go with that (or something similar to it) and try to match it as close as possible.
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