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Sith tomb [WIP]

polycounter lvl 13
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megasean polycounter lvl 13
I'm currently working on this sith tomb. Everything mostly is modled, textured and lit. Some other nueances I plan on adding (spiderwebs, fog, ect). Just wondering if any of you can offer up some advice on what I should do to make this better. I'll post the concept art I'm doing this from as well.


  • megasean
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    megasean polycounter lvl 13
    my updated version.
    I added the blood, mask. ect to give it more of a feel. To make it readable as a tomb.
  • uncle
    The eye is led in such way that it looks more like a hallway than a tomb. It lacks focal point like a central sarcophacus or something like this. Also - red fresh blood makes it more readable as a place of a battle than a tomb.
  • Ravanna
    you're gonna have to warp the concept a bit to make it feel like a tomb.
    either that or this is only the entrance hallway into a bigger room.

    Those cavities in the walls should be for coffins/corpses, make the "hall" wider, less long, and perhaps taller.? Just suggestions.:)
  • jal
    Great start! The smaller supports on the left appear to not reach the ceiling like the ones in the concept, the top portion with the curve looks very squished down.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    1. your proportions are off. the ceiling angle in the concept isn't straight like what you have.

    2. lighting needs work. there are green lights, but they aren't consuming everything in the concept.

    3. Overall, if feels like you rushed this and missed alot of the detail. Where the floor and wall meet up is a trim peice that you don't have, or is super low detail. The ceiling in the cocnept doesn't look like rock to me, but you're tiling that noisy texture all over the place.

    Maybe you don't have spec or its not strong, but nothing seems to have a normal map. Nothing pops out. the concept clearly shows it has highlights on the floor to help give it some depth. your entire scene is lacking that.

    this screams for modularity, so no need to cheap out and use fog to hide the distance. make a series of hallways for this to give some visual interest in the distance. its a tomb, not a murder scene, so I'm confused why you would have a bloody head?
  • megasean
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    megasean polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, the concept is what it is so. It looks like a hallway but said it was a tomb so.....blame whom ever made it lol. That's been the struggle with this, there's no real focal point at all, so I'm trying to add something to it. Those things and the wall, from what I've gathered, are coffins. Like I said, the concept itself wasn't clear and doesn't read like a tomb itself....it's kinda boring to be honest. So I'm really trying to make as interesting as possible without going TO far from the concept. It's almost there tho.
  • megasean
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    megasean polycounter lvl 13
    I finished the project a while back. Thought I'd post it up on here. Took a departure away from the concept ("artistic license" lol) a bit but I think it feels...right. It feels dead, dark and dirty, which is what I wanted. SP_st_1_zpsac3762f3.jpg
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