I imported a few meshes from 3ds max into UDK to test out their normal maps. In the last few days I've resolved a whole bunch of problems in my process thanks to polycount, but I can't seem to find anything about this very last defect.
As soon as I enable a normal map or a specular map on my material, I get what look like UV seams on nearly every polygon.
Obviously, my UV layout has no such seams. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The model looks fine in max.
Where are these seams coming from? How can I get rid of them?
No textures:
Could something during the export/import process have split these edges in my UV layout?
It may look fine in max but that's because the normals are synced up with it, but they aren't with UDK so you get all the crazy shading errors.
You should go over the pc normal map wiki:
I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning and report back. Thanks!
What you really want to achieve in an ideal situation, is a separate smoothing group at your hard edges, AS WELL AS where your UV splits are. This will make for a beautifully smoothed mesh with no / very little smoothing errors.
Are you using FBx to export to unreal? What settings are you using. I've seen some odd triangulation happen using FBx with the wrong settings.
It doesn't look like smoothing groups from the position of the seams.
What does the wireframe look like in udk? How does this compare to the wireframe in max?
Try exporting and importing using ASE. Or try putting an edit mesh modifier on the model before exporting.
You need to import your normal map using normal map compression or else the shader will give you bad specular highlights in areas near UV seams. Change TC_Default to TC_NormalMapUncompressed (or one of the other normal map settings). You'll know if a normal map is imported in Unreal properly because it'll be dark blue rather than your normal purple colour. Note that if you re-import the same texture using a new compression setting, you might need to restart Unreal before the shaders update (I got that in older licensee versions).
If the normal map has been imported with default compression settings then you also need to change the unpack min values for RGB channels. For normal maps they should be -1. Using the normal map compression setting upon initial import sets the proper values automatically, but not after that first import.