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Sculpt hair for production? it is the right way?

polycounter lvl 5
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guenna polycounter lvl 5
Hi! Please need help with this workflow? how do i sculpt Fur and it is the right choise if the final production ask for the model to be animated, lip sinc and stuff... my common sence tell me that sculpting it will be a waist of time becouse when it will star talking or extremely moving, all the displacemente data will look bad becouse the original sculpt was done in neutral " T pose". So if this is true: What is the best way to generate a furi character for animation (beside fur simulation) ? tnx for your suport guys! please help me ForumQuestion.jpg


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Fur can mean anything - painted diffuse like in Kingdom Hearts, a real hair and fur rendering solution for pre-rendered CG animation, alpha planes and shells for realtime realistic stuff (Shadow of the Colossus, Starfox NGC) or stylized "clay fur" like in some parts of the animals in Madagascar and Ice Age.

    You have to tell us more :)
  • guenna
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    guenna polycounter lvl 5
    guenna wrote: »
    Hi! Please need help with this workflow? how do i sculpt Fur and it is the right choise if the final production ask for the model to be animated, lip sinc and stuff... my common sence tell me that sculpting it will be a waist of time becouse when it will star talking or extremely moving, all the displacemente data will look bad becouse the original sculpt was done in neutral " T pose". So if this is true: What is the best way to generate a furi character for animation (beside fur simulation) ? tnx for your suport guys! please help me ForumQuestion.jpg
  • guenna
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    guenna polycounter lvl 5
    Tnx! @pior for answering so fast! :) well this model is for video production... but the production house dont what to use hair & Fur simulations, becouse of time consuming rendering. So reading the options you post, i guees it wil have to be "Clay Fur" + difuse "hand painted" texture. what do you tink?!
  • uncle
    If by production you mean movies - yes probably it is waste of time. It can have its applications though - depends on the style you are going for.
  • guenna
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    guenna polycounter lvl 5
    Tnx! @uncle, yes this is for movies... this is "the pet" for a tv comercials and postporduction house so it wil be on the reels, on the printed promotional material, etc... and the style have to be the closes one to the concept art... but i guess it will worl better like " fur Clay" do you know where to find a post here with some "clay fur" examples?! tnx! for the support
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