Hi everyone, I'm a new member at polycount. I'm a games design student working on a 3d character project, which is near completion. What I'd love is some feedback on all aspects of the mesh and textures. I have a limit of 10,000 triangles for this project and the end result has to be showcased in the Unreal engine. Anyway, without any further ado here are some images from various stages of the project.
Base mesh (3dsMax)

Sculpt and polypaint (ZBrush)


re-topologised, textured mesh (UDK)

I don't want to spam with too many images in the same post (although I think I may have done that already) as this can take a while to load unless you have a super internet connection, but if there's anything that you're interested in seeing (certain angles, or maps) I can post these up.
Feedback, crit, etc all very very welcome, thankyou for your time

Her proportions are off, she seems off balance, and materials looks like something that belong to a jade statue (too much SSS absorption and scatter).
So yeah, reference plox!
As I say I'm a student so in regards to the sub surface scattering I'm completely clueless. Could you give me any pointers for improvement or link me to any good tutorials on the subject.
quick demo (doesn't seem to loop I'm afraid, must have forgotten some setting or other)
And in any case you need some tutorial, just google what you want, there`s a lot of info out there at the reach of your hand by just taking the time to look for it
My issue with Google is that for every good tutorial you find, there will be 10 bad/useless ones. I've seen tutorials which claim to be for beginners but assume you have prior knowledge of just about every tool and function within a software package, as well as tutorials which contain just plain mis-information. Often it can be difficult to find good tutorials unless you know where to look, and a lot of good tutorials are not free.
SA_22 - I'm not sure what you mean by the reference's proportions being weird, but I'd be interested to know more specifics.
If possible I'd also like people's opinions on the unwrap and topology. One of the requirements for this assignment is that the topology be suitable for animation. I've had a look on the wiki here at polycount and tried to follow the advice for the animation loops of the joins as best I could, but I have a feeling that they aren't quite right.
The unwrap is another one I'm not sure on as I've heard different things from different people; such as "never rotate any uv shells as this will mess up a normal map", "rotating uv shells by 90 degree increments is fine but rotations at arbitrary angles are not" and one lecturer has even said to "use whatever rotation allows you to get the best fit for uv efficiency" - he was using the example of a character unwrap, rotated at a 45 degree angle - I would assume that this would be normal mapped. With so many conflicting arguments it can be difficult to know whether you're doing something right or completely ballsing it up.
Ultimately I just want to keep on improving, as this is something I really enjoy doing - even if I suck at it right now ;P