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Everybody point at the new guy

bFb7erHey guys and gals,

Newbie from England here. Just a quick hello to any interested enough to have clicked this thread.

Currently employed as a design engineer, spending a lot of my time working on solid models. Something was nagging inside me though. I enjoyed what I was doing, but just needed more.

I want to get involved with CG animation. I have my eyes set on working at a local company near me called Realtime:UK. So come September, I'm going back to university to study illustration and animation. I'm going to spend every dorky minute of my life (inbetween parent duties) in making sure that I'm a valuable candidate when I walk through their door in three years time.

I joined here so I could post up any future work I will be doing, simply so any interested can rip it to pieces and help guide me in best practices.

I've seen some brilliant work on this site. Some have inspired me greatly and I hope that one day I can be half as good.

I apologise in advance if I nag any of you with questions. It just means that I really like what you do and want to find out how I can learn to do the same.

Thanks for reading and I hope to speak to some of you soon. I've attached a couple of solid models pics from my latest product design.

Best regards...



(Sorry, didn't know how to embed the pics)

Edit: To fix links


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