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Problem with tank movement on the landscape slope

polycounter lvl 13
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omid3098 polycounter lvl 13
I made a skeletal tank to walk on a path. and there are some pathnodes on the landscape.
I moved tank using "Actor Factory" and "Move To Actor" inside kismet.
(used UTActorFactoryAI for Factory and my own pawn class)
This is my Vehicle Class:
class MyVehicle extends Pawn 
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=MyTank1
   End Object         
   Mesh=MyTank1     Components.Add(MyTank1) 
First question is how can I make the tank to be affected by landscape slope?and second question is that I added "placable;" in my class and now it is visible in ActorClasses and when I add it inside landscape, it has some properties.
how can I add a property for it to set the target(selected pathnode) on the model itself?
(now the tank is generating frome a Note node)
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