This is a horror NPC I ve been working on lately. It is supposed to be something between a Necromorph and a Special Infected (l4d) The vid shows the model while its taking a walk in UDKs AnimSet viewport looking for a potential player to bash and/or eat.

Perhaps something like this monster's tendrils, but a little less extreme?
SBC, good point about the neck there. Thanks.
Toe Jam
Cool model and texture, good job keeping the bra on
Here's the texture sheet:
@uncle: She told me she's not really into 3d artists. Besides, she's too skinny, you can literary see her bones.
@Stromberg90: Bare "bra", takk. :thumbup:
I think...
The Normal and Diffuse are very well done, but a lack of Gloss/Roughness map is killing your Spec. Also, for the 'meaty' parts of your model, I suggest tinting the Spec a brown/orange color, to fake build up of dirty metals/calcium, but ever so slightly.