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[Portfolio] Daehi Kim - Environment and prop artist

Hi polycounters. I'm a MFA student and I'm in the second to the last semester.

I made this website for apply some of summer internships but not went well so far :(

I was shy to show my portfolio to someone, but I feel that it's time to open it in order to check my current status and admit it.

Any of critics or comments are welcome about allover works and website designs. And also any advise or suggestions for my future works would be appreciated.

Hope you enjoy my works. Thank you

>>> www.daehi.com


  • Junco
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    Junco polycounter lvl 11
    The sci fi hallway is my favorite. Its clean well designed and the you hit the nail on the head with the textures. I dont really have enough experience to go on but adding more Hi-Poly realistic game art with a high "cool" factor would expand your job opportunities. Again just a thought :)
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    Nice work, nice site layout good and simple, you should probably put atleast your name on your images in case any recruiter wants to save the image and goes back to it later, they're not going to remember who made it
  • Daehi
    Junco - I'm very happy to hear that someone likes my work. Thank you for your comments!! and helpful suggestions. I'm still doing some high-poly stuffs working on. I hope show them really soon :)

    dpaynter26 - Thank you so much for your encourage comments. I'll try to put some information in the image.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I'm really surprised you are having trouble, I think your work is great dude. The middle piece has some weird spec going on where its shining too much in the recessed areas, but I really love the hand painted stuff at the top.

    Great work, and just keep applying and working hard. I'm sure you will eventually find something.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    I've seen your work before. Don't know where, but I remember the first render for sure. That's good, your work is memorable. I was impressed by your textures. Very nice!

    Relax, it will take some time before you get hired. But with your hand painting skills, it shouldn't be too long. Make sure you are also applying for Texture Artist positions on top of the usual Environment/Prop art positions. You're born to texture. And you're in a great area too if you're still in San Fran. Did you try Zynga already? Good luck!

    Edit: Also look into creating a LinkedIn page. Get your name out there in every way you can. Start networking with people in your area.
  • Neuropozyne
    love that sci fi hallway looks great and your textures all look good
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    I have one suggestion, instead of having every image on one page instead put it into sections. So have one of those pictures and if you click it, it goes into a new page with more pictures. It just has to much stuff, loads slower, and also just takes to long to scroll down to.
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    your handing painting textures are awesome.
  • Daehi
    BradMyers82 // Maybe my works not reach to their needs yet :) thank you for the encourage comments and point out weird spec problems (it's probably recessed area of the pipes?)

    GOBEE // Oh, I'm very happy to hear that someone remember my work!! thanks a lot! and also thank you for your valuable recommends. I'll do that.

    Neuropozyne // I'm really happy that you like it :) I have some plan to build more sci-fi stuffs in the my future works.

    Orangeknight // Oh, that's a good idea. Actually I'll make section for each project when I update more work. Thank you!

    snake85027 // Thank you so much! your textures are awesome ,too.
  • Samfisher84
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    Samfisher84 polycounter lvl 9
    Awsome hand painted stuff!
  • Daehi
    Samfisher84 // Thanks a lot!!
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    I really love the hand painted feel of textures and you nailed it in that first environment. Good job.
  • JamieRIOT
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    JamieRIOT polycounter lvl 6
    I think your work is great, especially the fantasy scene. You are very good at hand-painted textures; very impressive.
  • Daehi
  • Forg3d
    Alot of your stuff looks great man, but I would narrow it a little bit. Like the robot above, I would remove. Only show your best work that you're most proud of. I would do the same with your 2d portfolio as well. You want to make it quick when someone looks at your portfolio and show them your best stuff first. And leave them no reason to doubt you. If you put unfinished or lower quality work in there, they might wonder.
  • Daehi
    praetus // Thank you so much~! I love your hand painted works too.

    JamieRIOT // Thank you!! Jamie. Your comment encourage me a lot.

    Forg3d // I completely agree with you Forg. I need to more works on the my website. Thank you so much for the valuable advice.
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